You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1126: She broke Lu Nanze's child! (2)

Qiao Yiyi vomited, and the nanny outside the door and the person monitoring the room immediately found out.

The nanny immediately contacted Assistant Zhao Yang.

Because when she was brought in, Lu Nanze explained that everything about Qiao Yiyi was handled by Assistant Zhao Yang, who was fully responsible!

Zhao Yang quickly rushed over and brought a family doctor by the way.

When two people entered the bedroom, the smell in the room was unpleasant.

On the ground, the food she had overturned had not been packed yet, and the windows in the room were closed dead.

Qiao Yiyi sat pale on the sofa in the bedroom, staring straight ahead, the whole person looked very bad.

Zhao Yang looked at such a Qiao Yiyi, his eyes narrowed.

The nannies stood outside the door and were watching the excitement.

Zhao Yang couldn't help shouting, "What did I say when I gave Miss Qiao to you?"

The babysitters were stunned, and they all stood upright one by one, and the atmosphere did not dare to pant.

Zhao Yang pointed at Qiao Yiyi and said, "I said, take care of Miss Qiao. Is that how you take care of it?"

In a word, the organic babysitter suddenly rushed into the room, first opened the window and let out the smell in the room, then quickly picked up the broom and cleaned the food on the ground.

Immediately, I took a mop ...

After tossing these things, when the room was finally clean, the doctor went in.

Qiao Yiyi's long hair was scattered on her body, because she had just vomited badly, and the heating in the room was very hot, which caused her to sweat at the moment.

When I approached so slightly, I smelled a sour breath.

The doctor frowned.

Zhao Yang couldn't help narrowing his eyes and turning to look at the nanny, "Miss Qiao hasn't taken a bath for a few days?"

The nanny said, "It's been about three or four days."

Zhao Yang couldn't help looking back and looked at Qiao Yiyi again.

Because she was abandoned by Lu Nanze, did she start violently?

In this way, she was completely out of touch with the stronger, hypocritical woman.

Zhao Yang stared at the doctor, "Go and check."

The doctor nodded, stepped forward, and observed Qiao Yiyi carefully. "Miss Qiao, are you uncomfortable there?"

"Disgusting, vomiting." Qiao Yiyi stared straight ahead.

"Why nausea?"

Qiao Yiyi took a deep breath. "That fish, it smells too bad."

The doctor asked some more symptoms, and finally asked, "Mrs. Qiao, when was the last time you had menstruation?"

When Qiao Yiyi heard this, he suddenly hesitated.

What she thought of suddenly, stood up awkwardly, she stared at the doctor in disbelief, and then spoke after half a ring. "I, I ... was last month, I, I have?"

The doctor took out the instrument. "Then I'll get you some blood, and I'll see if I have a test."

There was light in Qiao Yiyi's eyes, and she nodded.

Zhao Yang was at the door, listening to the conversation in the room, and the whole person was a little hesitant.

He stared at Joey in disbelief.

In all these years, there was no contraceptive at that time, and I didn't expect that there would be ...?

Is he going to be a dad?

His gaze scorched, and he looked straight at Qiao Yiyi's abdomen.

Right there, brewing his children.

Zhao Yang narrowed his eyes.

The doctor's test results came out quickly.

As a result, Qiao Yiyi became pregnant.

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