You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1185: Second Brother, goodbye (5)

Qiao Yiyi's eyes lighted up instantly!

For a large-scale listed company like Lujia, in fact, every move of the chairman will attract the attention of the outside world.

Now Lujia company's stock is very expensive, and Lu Nanze has not been married to become the focus of everyone's attention. For fear that Lu Nanze's life and death alone will affect the entire company, so the stock has also been somewhat controversial over the years.

Now, if Dad Lu announces the marriage, then her marriage between Qiao Yiyi and Lu Nanze is basically nailed down!

Because if Lu Nanze regrets marriage at that time, I am afraid that Lu's stock will fall directly to a crash!

Therefore, Qiao Yiyi is very satisfied with this, very satisfied!

She hurriedly said, "Uncle Lu, I'm just outside the hospital. When the report comes out, I will enter and give the account to the second brother."

"Okay, all the manuscripts have been written here, and the rest will be published. Since you said so to your niece, I will definitely do a good job for you!"

Five minutes later, a message directly shocked the entire Suzhou business circle:

[Mr. Lu Nanze, Chairman of Lu's Enterprise, formally engaged with Miss Qiao Yiyi and got married within two months! 】

As soon as this news was released, Qiao Yiyi immediately laughed, only to feel that what he had been looking forward to for many years, finally arrived.

Eight years.

It's been eight years since Qiao Lian left that year!

Her daily dream is to marry Lu Nanze!

Today, it is finally realized.

She really is going to marry Lu Nanze!

Qiao Yiyi's excited eyes glowed, a joy that got something, filled her entire chest, making her feel brisk.

Then she quickly entered Lu Nanze's ward.

Lu Nanze was sitting on the bed ~ ~ Hearing the sound, looked up, and then saw Qiao Yiyi, his pupils narrowed, "Is something here?"

Qiao Yiyi nodded immediately, and then gave the book to Lu Nanze just as he offered the treasure.

Lu Nanze bowed his head and turned over his account book.

Although he may not understand some places, when he saw the account book, he still felt that everything had a feeling of being settled.

Just destroy the ledger.

After that, their Lu family will never be threatened by the Qiao family again.

Qiao Zhigang has pleaded guilty, and the rest of his life is in jail.

As for Qiao Yiyi's idiot ... he really didn't look at her!

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes before he said, "Bring a brazier."

Immediately had an assistant, went out, and after a while, really took a brazier.

Lu Nanze stared at the brazier, his gaze fell on the ledger.

He knew that whenever he burned like this, his father would always be safe and there would be no hidden dangers anymore.

But he also knew that when he burned, it was also his love with Joe, and the last trace of love.

He squinted and stared at it for a long time. After half a ring, he slowly took the account book to the brazier.


Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan took several people and went straight to Lu Nanze's ward.

A few people intercepted along the way, but Shen Liangchuan was able to knock each other down three or two times!

Soon they came to the ward.

Two bodyguards at the door stopped them from entering.

Shen Liangchuan was alone, restraining two people, and said to Qiao Lian: "You go in!"

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