You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1186: Second Brother, goodbye (6)

Joe nodded in love, and bowed his head at the door, slipping into the ward!

As soon as I went in, I saw Lu Nanze and Qiao Yiyi standing there, and Lu Nanze was holding a book-like thing in his hand and was planning to burn it in the brazier!

As soon as Qiao Lian's eyes lighted up, his hands and feet were faster than usual. He stepped forward directly. Seeing that Lu Nanze was about to throw his ledger into the brazier, he immediately stretched out his hand, and then reached for the ledger: "Lu Nanze, you Give me the ledger! "

But even if Lu Nanze was injured, she quickly avoided her contention and put the ledger on his side. He looked up and looked at Qiao Lian, "Why are you here?"

Qiao Lian bit her lip. "Lu Nanze, you know my temperament, say one is one, say two is two. Lu Nanze, do you know that my parents have been badly scolded these years? Do you know , Qiao Yi and I have always carried the labels of children of adulterers! Do you know how sad I was when those people cursed my parents? "

"I know that things eight years ago have nothing to do with you. But can your father frame our house like this for your company? Our house is now ruined! I am afraid that the fire that year was also intended to cover people's eyes. of!"

"Lu Nanze, you have not experienced this feeling. I want to correct the name of my parents! This ledger is our Qiao family's thing, and I want you to return it to me!"

"Lu Nanze, give it back, otherwise I will hate you forever!"

Every word of crying blood, Qiao Lian talked and burst into tears.

She stared nervously at the ledger.

If the ledger is destroyed, the parents will never have the opportunity to be renamed.

For so many years, she bears humiliation and steals her life, just to be able to wash away the innocence of her parents.

But now, seeing the ledger in front of her, she was powerless.

Her angry voice was shaking.

She bit her lip tightly and stared at Nanze, but her eyes were blurry, with tears rolling down one by one.

This look of Qiao Lian made Lu Nanze panic for a while.

He held out his hand. "Joe, don't cry ..."

However, before the words were finished, Qiao Lian went straight to the ledger with anxiety!

With her hand, she was about to grab the ledger, but who was Lu Nanze and immediately reached out and grabbed her wrist, and then the other hand directly threw the ledger into the brazier!

For a moment, the fire in the brazier rose into the sky, and the outer covering of the ledger was burned.

Qiao Lian is dying!

She didn't want to, and she stretched out into the brazier with the hand she hadn't clamped, and wanted to fish the ledger!

Her hand was about to reach the brazier.

Just then, Lu Nanze stretched out another hand and clenched her wrist tightly.

Her hand was above the brazier.

Lu Nanze's hand was just above him, stopping her.

At the same time, the flames were rising in the brazier.

Qiao Lian is going crazy, but the next second, he smelled a scorched smell and passed it on!

She shuddered before realizing it!

Lu Nanze pushed his hand back hard, but just exposed his forearm above the entire brazier.

At this moment, his forearm was grilled with flames, exuding a scent of smell.

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