You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1187: Second Brother, goodbye (7)

She narrowed her eyes, raised her head, and looked at Lu Nanze.

Seeing him staring stubbornly at her.

He said slowly, word by word, "Qiao Lian, I'm sorry."

Sorry, he really ca n’t do it, let his dad go to jail, and even killing is to pay for his life. Is he going to send his dad to the guillotine? !!

This is impossible……

Qiao Lian only felt like there was any angry emotion that filled the entire chest.

She stared at him resentfully.

She really was going to be mad at Lu Nanze! !!

He would rather burn himself than burn the ledger, just for his father!

He was right to protect his father, but what about her parents' innocence? Who will maintain it?

Did they just die in vain?

A feeling of grievance struck her heart for a moment, making her feel only like a wronged child, and her tears rolled down.

Her eyes fell on the brazier.

The ledger is half burned.

And Lu Nanze's arm had already bubbled a lot.

If it burns down again, I am afraid that his arm will be used up.

She was angry, trying to make him waste one arm.

But suddenly he looked up, but met his eyes again ...

I don't know why. When he was young, he was rescued when he was abducted, so he appeared in his mind, so she suddenly took his hand and left the brazier.

He clenched her hands tightly, the arms of the two of them, showing a way to close together, placing the brazier in the middle.

Then she just stared at those ledgers, disappeared into dust.

The room was silent for a while, only the flames were jumping, getting smaller and smaller.

Until the end, Lu Nanze released Qiao Lian.

Qiao Lian stared at the brazier. Eight years of grievance suddenly broke out.

But at this moment, she couldn't cry.

There is a sense of decadence.

The innocence of parents can no longer be proven.

She has worked so hard all this time in vain.

She clenched her fist tightly and bit her teeth firmly. After staring at Nanze, she uttered a word from the gap between her teeth. , Far, no, will, forgive, forgive, you. "

After this sentence, she turned around and went out.

Lu Nanze sat on the bed and stared at her back.

He wanted to reach out and leave her, but the outstretched hand could only face her back.

He paused and then bowed his head.

I just felt that my heart hurt as if I was pierced by a knife and then stirred repeatedly.

He knew that he was in love with Joe and it was never possible again.


When Qiao Lian stepped out of the ward, tears burst instantly.

She was sobbing as she walked.

Tears, like the flood of a dyke, fell hard.

She cried and saw Shen Liangchuan deal with the two bodyguards at the door, and then suddenly "wow" and started crying!

She threw herself into the arms of Shen Liangchuan, and the whole person cried to a tear.

"The account books are gone, my parents' innocence, I can't wash them ..."

"Everyone, people all over the world, think my parents are bad people ... but they are not, they are good, they are very kind, they have done so much charity, they have contributed so much ..."

"Shen Liangchuan, I'm so sad, so sad ... What should I do? What should Qiao Yi do?"

PS: After updating ~~ Ask for monthly pass!

Recommend a friend to Ruo Chenxi's modern pet: "Seven sons ③ husband with facial paralysis, good morning"

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