You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1241: Mei Feng's End (6)

Mei Feng bit her lip. "I went for a wrinkle removal needle and hyaluronic acid today. After a few days, I can see the effect on my face. I am old now, and I ’m really not as young as I am today It is indeed impulsive, but you should know that my heart for you will never change, just as it did many years ago. At that time, Xia Yehua controlled you tightly, and we wanted to be together once, how difficult it was ... ... "

This sentence resonated with Shen Xiu.

He was so touched that he sighed deeply, took a step forward, reached out his hand, touched Mei Feng's face, and asked: "Does it still hurt?"

Mei Feng immediately said, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all. You hit me, how could it hurt?"

But as the saying goes, tears fell again.

Shen Xiu quickly held her hand. "Okay, let's go back."

Mei Feng nodded.

Back at home, Mei Feng entered the bathroom and looked at her face in the mirror.

The swelling is a bit abnormal and does not seem normal.

But she didn't care, because after all, she had just had a minor operation today, and her face was extremely swollen.

She walked out of the bathroom, changed her **** pajamas, went to the bed, and lay there, posing.

When Shen Xiu came out, she couldn't help looking at Shen Xiu.

Shen Xiu yawned and lay beside her.

Mei Feng held out her hand, "husband ~~"

Teasing tone, but was interrupted, "OK, don't make trouble, sleep."

Mei Feng: ...

Mei Feng froze and bit her lip. "Husband, don't you want to?"

Shen Xiu: "What do you think?"

Mei Feng: ...

Mei Fengqi bit her lip.

She knew that she had lost her charm now, but a few days before Shen Xiu, wasn't she good with herself? Just because of a little king, she wouldn't even touch her now!

Mei Feng clenched her fists and did not believe this evil.

When she wanted to do anything else, she heard the purring voice, and came over. She turned a little, turned her head, and saw the man beside the bed, who was sleeping with her back to her.

Back to……

Before, they were all hugging and sleeping.

Mei Feng only felt that the heart was as uncomfortable as it was blocked.

She bit her lip and finally sighed deeply.

the next day.

When Mei Feng got up, Shen Xiu had already left.

I left so early, I do n’t need to think about it, I knew I was going to see that little king.

No, she must now think of a way to seduce Shen Xiu back.

She frowned, went to the bathroom, looked into the mirror, and began to observe her face.

That face, yesterday's slap print, has not been removed, but the mark is already latent.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but looked in the mirror and started to stay.

The people in the mirror are indeed not sophisticated enough, and they can't compare to Xia Yehua, or even a little less than Xiao Wang.

Should she consider ... going to the whole room?

Simply become more beautiful, Shen Xiu will not go out and fooling around.

As soon as I thought about it, I heard the sound of a car starting outside, and Shen Xiu came back?

She hurried to the door and saw Shen Xiu step down from the car and strode in front of her.

Mei Feng froze, her eyes lit up, "Why are you back?"

After that, he saw her grabbing her collar, and said angrily: "You said, where did you hide Xiao Wang ?!"

PS: It's finally updated ~~ Good night, please ask for a monthly pass ~~

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