You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1242: Mei Feng's End (7)

The anger contained in Shen Xiu's tone surprised Mei Feng.

She hurriedly said, "What are you talking about? I, I don't know ..."

"I don't know? You still pretend!"

Shen Xiuqi wanted to hit someone. "I went to see her today and found that there was a huge mess in her room. She didn't take anything and disappeared directly! I tell you, now put the person back immediately, otherwise, I I'll call the police! "

Mei Feng's eyes narrowed. "You came here this morning and ran over to see that bitch?"

"Oh, if I didn't go to see her, I wouldn't know that you did this to her!" Shen Xiu held out his hand and pointed at Mei Feng. "I used to know that you were a viper-hearted woman. I didn't expect it to be worse now Xiao Wang is just a helpless girl from the North Drift. How can you get down with such a hard hand! You said, where did you let people take her ?! "

Mei Feng fixedly looked at Shen Xiu. After half a ring, she lowered her eyes. "I repeat, I didn't ..."

"Do you think I will believe you ?!"

Shen Xiu held her collar, the breath she breathed while talking, sprayed on her face, and his eyes were full of disgust: "I give you another chance, do you say it? Don't say it Then I really called the police! "

Having said that, he also took out his mobile phone and dialed 110.

Mei Feng was stunned by this look of Shen Xiu.

She looked at him in shock.

He thought he was looking for someone and kidnapped Xiao Wang? But even then, how could he go to the police!

If it was her, would he send her to prison? !!

Mei Feng felt some warming heart yesterday. At this moment, she seemed to be thrown into the frozen world of the Arctic. That heart seems to never feel any warmth again.

She couldn't help laughing sarcastically, "Shen Xiu, okay, you call the police and report!"

"Mei Feng, husband and wife, I originally wanted to give you a back road, but now it seems that you really don't see the coffin and cry!"

Shen Xiu was so angry, he yelled, he picked up the phone, and really dialed the phone, "Hey, the police station? That's it, our company's Xiao Wang suddenly disappeared today. I suspect she was kidnapped. Now ... yes, you're going to search her room ... the suspect? I suspect it's my wife ... "

Shen Xiu said here, glanced at Mei Feng, there was no emotion in that glance, "Yes, because she thinks Xiao Wang is with me, she is neurotic ... But now I ask her to say nothing Hurry up and save Xiao Wang ... "

Listening to Shen Xiu's words, Mei Feng had raised her lips, sneered, and stepped back.

She stared coldly at Shen Xiu and narrowed her eyes.

Shen Xiu hung up the phone, then looked at her, "It's all here, now, if you let Xiao Wang out, I will convince Xiao Wang not to care about you, not to sue you ..."

Mei Feng took another step back and stared at him sneerly: "I said, things are not what I do, you don't want to push things onto my head!"

Shen Xiu paused. "Then let the police investigate!"

Then he turned heartlessly and left the villa.

Mei Feng was sitting alone in the room, looking at everything familiar around her, but felt that things had changed, and she didn't know it.

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