You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1292: Epilogue (32)

The national e-sports competition soon ushered in the final finals.

The SX team defeated the PC team and won the finals.

At the beginning of the finals, the entire game scene was full, and some people even stood directly on the aisle and stood behind.

The atmosphere was fierce and bloody.

When Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan wore the uniform of the CQ team and came out from behind the scenes, all the people below were shocked! !!

"Let me go, see who this is? Why does he look so familiar?"

"I must have read it wrong. I came to a fake e-sports venue!"

"Is this e-sports or a press conference?"

"Shen Yingdi is here?"

"A film emperor? Come to play a professional game? I am not dazzled!"

"Oh my god! Is this for the entertainment bureau?"

"Ah, Ah, Shen Yingdi is so handsome! So handsome, so handsome!"

Two uncoordinated sounds erupted instantly at the scene.

The two teams met below and waited until the host announced the start of the game, and explained one by one on stage.

This is the first time King has played against the CQ team, so after seeing Qiao Lian, he stretched out his hand first, "Miss Qiao, hello."

Qiao Lian frowned and was tangling, and saw Shen Liangchuan step forward.

Instead of Qiao Lian, shake hands with King, "Hello."

King: ...

King looked at Shen Liangchuan, and then looked surprised, "Shen?"

He spoke a bunch of Korean quickly, and the translator immediately said, "Mr. Shen? Why are you here, are you the team, please come and cheer?"

In a word, the people in the SX team laughed loudly.

King couldn't help but ridicule again, "A movie emperor, don't go to the theater, even running to play e-sports, this is a joke ..."

"Moreover, this is a national competition, Shen Yingdi, can you really?"

"It's too late to step down ... don't lose too badly at that time, cry your nose, but I'm afraid that your fans will be flesh ..."

In the face of his ridicule and sarcasm, Shen Liangchuan didn't say a word, but turned slightly and looked at each other with Qiao Lian.

At the same time, doubts have appeared on the Internet.

Everyone said that they did not understand this move of CQ.

"Why is Shen Yingdi playing? Why is he playing such an important game!"

"After you want to lose, let's look at Shen Yingdi's face. Don't scold them?"

"This is a serious game scene. The CQ team did not look at e-sports at all!"

"Yeah, this is a sport, it's sacred, not for entertainment!"

At the same time, fans of Shen Yingdi ran out, "Ah, ah, my male **** is here to play the game! Why look so handsome? But can the male **** really do?"

"Today's game is related to the honor of this country !!! Is such a wayward way really good?"

In such questioning voices.

The host began to introduce the starting lineup of both sides.

When introduced to Qiao Lian, Qiao Lian's names were CQ and Xiao Qiao.

The host said: "The name of Xiao Qiao, everyone must be familiar with it. This is one of the only two female players in the e-sports competition. Moreover, she led the CQ team to today. Let us introduce One player, CQ, Zichuan! "

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