You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1293: Epilogue (33)

CQ, Zichuan! !!

Zichuan! !!

As soon as the name came out, the entire venue instantly exploded! !! !!

Everyone stood up and looked at the competition platform in shock.


Is it the Zichuan of that year?

At that time, Zichuan suddenly disappeared.

For so many years, every time I saw the crown prince taking the lead, everyone couldn't help but miss Zichuan.

If Zichuan is still playing games, will he lead them to the world?

And who Zichuan is so far has been a mystery.

When everyone was guessing, they saw Shen Liangchuan heading to the competition stage.

For a moment, the lively scene was just quiet.

Everyone stared at him inconceivably ...

After five full seconds, the entire venue exploded!

"I rely on! Shen Yingdi turned out to be an e-sports expert Zichuan ?!"

"This is the most explosive news this year!"

"Ah, ah, Xiao Qiao, Zichuan !! They finally appeared!"

"Why do I feel like the game hasn't started yet?

The SX team, after hearing this combination, also looked up in shock and looked at Shen Liangchuan unbelievably.

Even king's face changed all of a sudden!

But the next second, he couldn't help but say, "He is defeated."

They had already played many years ago. At that time, Xiao Qiao and Zi Chuan were the losers of his men, not to mention now?

He narrowed his eyes.

The host was shocked to see Shen Liangchuan!

She stared blankly for a while, then corrected the list in her hand, then looked up, "Shen, is Emperor Shen Ying Zichuan?"

Shen Liangchuan nodded.

The host seemed to come back and then said, "I feel so dreamy! I did not expect that one day, I would stand on the stage with my idol! Shen Yingdi ... Good luck!"

Shen Liangchuan nodded.

The host introduced the next players.

After the introduction of the CQ team, we started to introduce the SX team.

King deservedly came to power.

The host introduced: "This is the captain of the SX team, but also a foreign aid king!"

There was sparse applause at the scene. It was clear that what King said last time angered this group of people, and everyone is now totally cold.

But King suddenly smiled and got in front of the host's microphone, and said simply: "Xiaoqiao, Zichuan, met again."

When the host heard this, he slightly hesitated, "Do you know each other?"

King smiled, and then said a few words. The translation was: "We encountered this in the game many years ago."

The host suddenly became curious, "What was the result then?"

King smiled, looked at the position of Shen Liangchuan and Qiao Lian, and then implicitly said, "Today, maybe they are here to get revenge."

In a word, it shows that Xiao Qiao and Zi Chuan must have lost.

All the audience below, hearing this, immediately became nervous.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and suddenly I think the chance of the CQ team winning is really too small.

Even the prince lost to king. The SX team looked invincible. Can you really win this game today? Everyone's heart raised.

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