You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1407: Read Yao a

In a word, let Yao Lili whisper directly.

She paused, then glanced at Mo Zhi, and Mo Zhi opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but she didn't know what to say. At this moment, Yao Lili said directly: "It's not because of Yao. Baby, oh! "

"This child's desperation to read Yao is really crazy. Mochi just asked Nian Yao to meet him, and he became angry. He was really afraid of Mo Zhi taking away. He really likes to read Yao! You Look at this hands-on ... "

I heard two people because Shi Nianyao had a fight and Li Shu frowned.

Immediately, she looked back at Mo Zhi, "You're just as excited about this!"

Mo Zhi wanted to talk, but Mo Hai spoke before Mo Zhi said, "Don't be angry ... this is Mo Xicheng's fault! Even if he married Shi Nianyao, could Mo Zhi still be? Can't you see Shi Nianyao in a lifetime? He's too much! Because my brother fought with his girlfriend ?! "

Yao Lili hurriedly explained, "This is not, Mo Zhi and Shi Nianyao, are they not the same?"

Explaining words is like pouring oil on the fire.

Mohai was furious, "Not the same? He also knows the difference! He robbed his brother's girlfriend, and he still had a face to hit someone! It was a jerk, and I was so angry! In which ward was he? I went to him and let him Come and apologize to Morse! "

Having said that, he looked at Li Shu again, "Don't be angry, I'll call him over here."

Li Shu frowned, pondered for a moment, and thought about something. Everyone made it clear in front of him, so as not to be concealed, so he nodded.

Mo Hai followed Yao Lili directly and walked out of the ward.


At this moment, Mo Xicheng and Shi Nian Yao Gang had a good dinner and were chatting.

Shi Nianyao took a mobile phone, swiped Weibo, and said while watching: "The movie" Yunxiong "is now hot! Do you know? At the beginning, everyone was skeptical of your acting skills and didn't know you, but now, All the videos on the Internet are yours. Many people are saying, oh my god, I did n’t find you before, and you are a loss ~ hahaha! "

Mosi accepted her so happy, smiled slightly, and nodded.

Shi Nianyao continued to watch with his mobile phone and laughed while watching. "There is also this comment, saying that Mo Nan is in the circle, almost zero gossip, and is a role model for stars!"

She said, looking at Mo Xicheng secretly, trying to make him happy.

Because Mo Zhi was beaten, the people of the Mo family would definitely not give up. I am afraid that the person who greeted Mo Xicheng would be bombed by the entire Mo family.

As soon as I thought about it, I heard footsteps from the door.

She froze slightly, turned her head, and saw that the door of the ward was pushed away impolitely. Immediately, Mo Hai and Yao Lili came in.

Mo Xicheng saw two people, and he was obviously surprised.

Mo Hai ignored the bandage on his forehead. After entering the door, he sneered without saying a word. "What? Now the fox tail has finally leaked out? Dare to hit your brother, are you the next step? Hit my dad too ?! "

When Mo Xicheng heard this, he immediately frowned.

He didn't say a word, but looked at Shi Nianyao and slowly said, "Yao Yao, go home first."

Shi Nianyao: ...

Shi Nianyao knew that Mo Xicheng didn't want to let himself see his wolf.

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