You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1408: Read Yao a

But at this moment, Mosey was suffering from a concussion, and everyone was unstable. If he was left alone ...

She turned her head to glance at the mighty Mo Hai, and she was a little worried.

Thinking of this, she said, "I ..."

"Yao Yao, obedient."

Moses Cheng interrupted her.

Shi Nianyao had to stand up. "That line, I'm sitting in the corridor outside. You're finished talking, call me."

She was not assured, standing at the door, at least if Mo Hai dared to take action on Mo Xicheng, she could immediately spot it and come in to stop it.

Mo Xicheng understood her mind, and there was a warm current in her heart.

But he really didn't want Shi Nianyao to see the Mo family Mo Hai deal with his ugliness, so he had to kick her out first.

He knew that if he didn't agree, Shi Nianyao would not go out, so he nodded.

Shi Nianyao stood up and just planned to go out. Suddenly I heard Mo Hai's sneer, "Why? Do you dare to do it? Let Miss Shi stay here to listen, what happened? This matter, after all It involves Miss Shi, doesn't it? "

Mo Hai thought, let Shi Nianyao stay and see Mo Xicheng's ugly state.

As a dad, he couldn't hold up Moses' abuse.

Women generally have heroism. If she finds that Mo Xicheng's treatment in the Mo family is so bad, then Shi Nianyao may not like Mo Xicheng!

To be honest, he still hopes that Shi Nianyao can stay with Mo Zhi. In this way, Mo Zhi's status will be more stable in the future.

It's a pity that he can't say these things that are not on the table.

Then when he saw Shi Nianyao's footsteps, he immediately turned to look at Mo Xicheng and scolded: "You wicked! Do you know what you did? From small to large, you eat and wear Your brother does not want to drink it! He gave it to you! The unconscionable wolf cub has grown up, not only took away your brother's girlfriend, but now he dares to hit him, right? ? "

His words were so unpleasant that Mo Xicheng only felt ugly.

Especially in front of the beloved woman, there is a strong sense of shame.

Mo Xi took a subconscious look at Shi Nianyao, but on her face, she only saw anger, and showed no pity for herself.

At this moment, Mo Xicheng suddenly understood.

He and Shi Nianyao are husband and wife.

Then his fragile, ugly side, she certainly has the right to know and the right to participate.

So, what did he think just now, to drive Nian Yao out?

Thinking about it that way, he was obviously distracted.

On the other side, Yao Lili saw Mo Haiqi look like this, fearing that Mo Xicheng would tell the truth, he immediately said: "Mo Xicheng, are you going to anger your father? Apologize soon! After all! Father and son, as long as you apologize to your brother and swear that you will never do anything to him again, your brother and your father will let you go! "

Mo Xicheng heard this, and finally came back to God.

He will realize it, falling lightly on Yao Lili.

This is always the case. When he was young, as long as he had a dispute with Mo Zhi, Yao Lili looked like this, allowing him to admit without hesitation.

Is it in her heart that her status is inherently worse than Mo's?

Mo Hai was angry when he heard what Yao Lili said:

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