You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1444: He is my son ... (17)

The other three people in the room were staring at Li Shu, thinking that things had changed, and suddenly it was a little too fast.

Shi Nianyao is beside, look at this, look at that ...

Immediately, he opened his mind and realized.

Li Shu wanted to please the male **** and let the Shi family let go of the perseverance, but the male **** has never given her the opportunity, so now, she is begging the male god?

Otherwise, how could the way to forgive a woman who stole her man is to drink her stewed chicken soup?

This step is too obvious.

On the other side, Yao Lili felt that things had changed too much.

But after all, Yao Lili was clever. After thinking about it, she understood.

Li Shu definitely wanted to let Mo Xicheng cover up what Mo Zhi did to Shi Nianyao, so he gave himself such a face.

She is useless!

If something goes wrong, I do n’t know how to protect my child, but only to please others and save my child!

Does n’t Morphine want to give Shi Nianyao to XXOO, but hasn't succeeded?

Did Shi Nianyao lose one hair, or what happened?

As long as her Li Shu knelt down in front of Si Jingyu and cried a few times, she didn't believe Shi could really kill Mo Zhi!

This woman is simply furious!

But Li Shu said to forgive himself?

After forgiving herself, wouldn't it mean that she could appear in front of people in a fair and honest way in the future?

She was thinking, and she heard Li Shu continue to speak, "I know that you are true to Mo Hai. For so many years, I have not been able to let him go. We are all old. Now, the three of us have reached middle age. There is not much time left. In fact, think about it. In ancient times, which one was not the third wife and the fourth wife? You drink this bowl of soup. I forgive you and let you live in Mo's house. "

In a word, Yao Lili's eyes flashed!

Live in Mo's house ... Bright and upright Mo's house!

You know, when Mo Xicheng was a child, they lived in a small room next to Mo's house.

At that time, she always stretched her head and looked up at everything that Mo's luxurious.

The European-style decoration and the huge crystal chandeliers in the living room all attracted her.

At that time, she dreamed that she could live in that house and become the hostess there.

Even afterwards, Mo Xicheng made money, bought a small villa, and let her move out.

But compared with Mo's mansion, it is still far worse.

She will never forget, at night, the beautiful light emitted from the crystal chandelier. Can make the whole room look like daylight.

She can't forget, the moment when the nanny of the Mo family called Madam Li Shu respectfully ...

That's why she tried to let Mo Zhi take charge of Mo's family, because after Mo Zhi became Mo's family, wasn't Yao Lili the hostess of Mo's family?

Now, Li Shu's sentence means that as long as she drank this bowl of chicken soup, can she live in that dream home?

She widened her eyes. Is this Li Shu's promise to compromise with Mosi?

Her eyes fell on the bowl of chicken soup.

She didn't want to, she walked over, raised the chicken broth, raised her head, and took a sip!

The hot chicken soup, just after it was boiled, was packed into a thermal insulation box with a very good thermal insulation effect, even after a few hours. At this moment, it was very hot, especially the layer of oil floating on it ...

PS: After the update, Li Shu is going to get revenge ~~ Ask for a monthly pass. These days are double monthly passes. If you cast one, you can count two ~~ How else do you want to abuse Primary Three? You can leave a message ~~

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