You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1445: He is my son ... (18)

If you give Mo Xicheng a drink, Li Shu must remove the layer of oil floating on the chicken soup, but for Yao Lili, she poured it out intentionally.

It was covered with oil, and the chicken soup was not steaming, so at this moment, looking at it, the temperature was just right.

Yao Lili was thinking about something else and didn't think about it. She drank it in a big sip.

Next second ...

Her pupils widened sharply, and she opened her mouth. As soon as she was about to spit out, she heard Li Shuwen's voice asking, "Why, chicken soup doesn't suit your appetite?"

Yao Lili: ...! !!

Yao Lili stared at Li Shu and suddenly didn't know what she meant.

However, if the chicken soup is sprayed out, it seems not suitable.

She bit her scalp and swallowed the hot chicken broth, feeling that the heat would burn her throat, and then she said, "No, it's a little hot."

"Hot?" Li Shu laughed. "Why don't I feel hot? Or, don't you want to drink?"

When Yao Lili heard this, she suddenly held her back.

Shi Nianyao was stunned and looked at Li Shu in puzzlement.

The soup is not hot, in fact, others do n’t know, but if you look at Yao Lili, you know that it is definitely not cold. If Li Shu wants to please Yao Lili and please the male god, then Li Lishu should not be embarrassed, and Li Shu At this moment, it became clear that Yao Lili should be embarrassed!

So, what does Li Shu mean?

When this idea came out, Li Shu lowered his eyes and said lightly, "Drink this bowl of chicken soup, and I will let you live in Mo's house. I can do it."

The temptation once again made Yao Lili lower her head, looked at the bowl of chicken soup, and finally gritted her teeth and drank it!

The heat of the chicken broth slid down the field, making her feel a burning pain in her entire stomach.

But she said nothing and drank all at once. When she drank it, she put the bowl on the table.

Li Shu stared at her and asked, "Is it hot?"

Yao Lili froze.

Li Shu lowered his eyes.

However, she was already in her fifties and was so hot and so painful. How did her young son feel when he drank hot milk?

As soon as this thought came out, a moment of anxiety developed in her heart. She pointed to the thermos bottle next to her and ordered: "I'm so anxious to see what you are drinking ... there are drinks here."

Yao Lili: ...!

Shi Nianyao: ...!

Mo Xicheng, standing next to him, narrowed his eyes as he watched the picture.

He knows how hot the chicken soup is. As the son of Yao Lili, it stands to reason that he should stand up at this time.

However, I don't know why, he suddenly thought of his childhood ...

Even after so many years, he still remembers how many years old, the water that Yao Lili ate for him was always very hot and hot, and his tongue at that time often lost a layer of skin .

Later, when I got used to it, I didn't feel any better.

But today ... Yao Lili finally tasted something hot. What did it feel like.

As soon as this idea came out, Moses took a step forward and stopped suddenly.

He looked at Yao Lili and suddenly felt ridiculous.

She wants to live in Mo's house?

The Mo family is the home of Mo Hai and Li Shu. What does it have to do with her? In what capacity did she live in Mo's house?

So he wouldn't care about it.

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