You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1449: He is my son ... (22)

In a word, it was like slap Yao Yaoli fiercely.

She stood in place, looking at the disgust on Mo Hai's face, as if she were a virus, but felt that her face was blue and red for a while.

Her mouth opened, and just when she wanted to say something, she heard Li Shu say, "I called her."

In a word, Mo Hai, who had just been full of anger and no trace of nostalgia, changed his face directly. He turned his head nervously and looked at Li Shu, "Li Shu, did you ask her to come? Is there something wrong with you? What do you want her to do in our house? "

That look of disgust ...

Yao Lili feels vomiting blood!

Li Shu's response when he heard these words only opened his eyes lightly, and then he said, "I promised her to let her stay at home, and I won't take care of your business in the future."

Having said that, she took a look at the food on the table and narrowed her eyes. "I have no appetite for dinner and will not eat it first. Let Yao Lili accompany you. Oh, by the way, she likes meat. You let the kitchen Be prepared. "

Speaking of which, stood up directly, turned his head and went upstairs.

Mo Hai was frightened to follow up quickly, "Li Shu, listen to me, how can you ..."

Without finishing talking, Li Shu had already gone upstairs in three or two steps, and slammed the door of the room, leaving Mohaiguan directly outside the door.

Mo Hai almost hit his nose, touched his own nose, and then carefully slammed the door, "Li Shu, what's wrong with you? Don't you like her? You don't like her, let me go back, okay? "

When the sentence fell, he saw the door open, and when he was about to enter, he saw Li Shu slowly say, "Mo Hai, I promised Mo Xicheng and let Yao Lili go home."

In a word, Mo Hai suddenly misunderstood.

Mo Hai is also at a loss what to do.

Offending Shi's family, he is now a little scared, not knowing when the revenge will come.

Now, does Li Shu's sentence mean that Mo Xi promised to help them get Shijia, and not let Shijia people retaliate against Mo Zhi, but then she would take Yao Lili home?

When this idea came out, Mo Hai's mood suddenly became irritable.

I just think that the woman downstairs is simply his own nemesis!

His anger, heart, lungs, and lungs hurt. Recently, he managed to coax Li Shu, and now he is back!

As soon as he thought about it, he saw Li Shu say, "You're kind to her."

Then she slammed the door again, and instantly, her voice came out, "Go to her room to sleep at night."

Mo Hai: ...!

Mo Hai felt the anger in his stomach!

What is this now?

Is he a cowboy? How can you save your son by sleeping?

This anger made him go downstairs without thinking.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw Yao Lili standing at the dining table. After seeing him come down, she smiled softly, "Mr. Mo ... did you eat?"

Having said that, she took the evening porridge from the babysitter and put it over Mo Hai's side. "Hurry up and eat."

Mo Hai's anger came up all of a sudden, rushed to the front, and angrily overturned the porridge bowl. "Wow," the porridge bowl fell to the ground and broke.

Then he slaps on Yao Lili's face, "Go!"

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