You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1450: He is my son ... (23)

This slap, crisp and loud, made everyone in the villa look over.

Mo Hai stared angrily at Yao Lili, looking angry, as if he was going to eat Yao Lili raw.

Yao Lili looked at him in shock, covering her face in disbelief, and it seemed that she never thought that Mo Hai would do something to her.

She swallowed, only to feel the hot pain on her cheek.

Then she reached out her hand subconsciously and covered her face.

She stared at Mo Hai. "You, why did you hit me?"

Mo Hai's eyes stared at her as if to kill. "I warned you when you left, and told you not to come back, but you dare not listen!"

Yao Lili's eyes were red, and she said in a grievance: "It was the lady who told me to come back with her, and she said she didn't mind, let us be with you, I ...

"She said to let you come back, will you come back? You bitch! You are not welcome here, you go!"

Yao Lili bit her lip and listened to these words.

Even if she knew that Mo Hai liked not Li himself but Li Shu, but after seeing the difference between him and Li Shu, she felt a lot of pain in her heart.

She frowned and lowered her head. "It was the lady who asked me to come back, and you let me go ... did the lady agree?"

In a word, let Mo Hai suddenly understand.


Li Shu made her come home.

If she was kicked away by herself, Li Shu would definitely be angry.

But let her stay here ... I didn't say it when I looked at Yun Ying, Li Shu was definitely not happy, didn't I even eat dinner without watching?

Thinking of this, Mo Hai frowned, "Okay, if you want to stay in this home, then stay, and let the housekeeper clean up a room for you."

Having said that, he walked to the dining table and looked at the food on the dining table. There was no appetite, so he went upstairs.

Yao Lili stood on the first floor, listening to the surrounding people pointing at her one by one, breathing a sigh of relief in her heart.

She took a deep breath and told herself in her heart: Don't worry, this family will have a place sooner or later. Sooner or later she will be the hostess of this family!


On the other side, watching Yao Lili and Li Shu leave, Shi Nianyao couldn't help looking at Mo Xicheng.

Feeling the loneliness on him, he walked over and grabbed his waist from behind.

Mo Xicheng lowered her head, held her two hands clasped to her waist, and took a deep breath. Then she heard Shi Nianyao say, "Mo Xicheng, don't worry, I will never Leave yours. "

Sensibly, Mo Xicheng let a moment's surprise, and immediately, the corners of his lips hooked.

Yeah, I already knew Yao Lili's nature, so what's upset?

He thought of it, abandoned those bad thoughts, and heard Shi Nianyao said, "Male god, don't be unhappy, you said, what can I do to make you happy?"

A word fell, and Mo Xicheng's eyes sank.

The person who was already cheerful, at this moment, didn't show it. He pressed the corners of his lips that were slightly raised, and looked at Shi Nianyao with the light of his eyes. ? "

"Well, yes, as long as you can be happy, let me do anything!"

PS: After the update, see you on the 27th tomorrow. At the end of the month, please vote for the monthly pass, otherwise it will be void next month ~~

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