You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1507: He is my son ... (80)

In a word, Shi Nianyao stiffened his body. The next second, he slammed open the quilt and jumped out of bed naked. "What about my clothes? What about my clothes?"

Mo Xicheng: ...

Mo Xi Cheng slowly got out of bed, put on a pajama, and then went out.

Just when Shi Nianyao was covering a bathrobe, he wandered around the room.

Mosey couldn't bear to walk over, took out a new suit from the closet, and handed it to her, "Wear this."

Shi Nianyao bowed his head and glanced at the clothes in Mo Xicheng's hands. After picking it up, he suddenly asked: "How come there are women's clothes here?"

Mo Xicheng watched her jealous, but he didn't understand it clearly. Such a tentative look couldn't help but feel funny.

A true scripture he answered, "Yeah, how can I have women's clothes here?"

After finishing this sentence, I saw Shi Nianyao look up, and then he said, "Well, it must be because I'm not single anymore. I married my wife. If my wife stays with me overnight, I must prepare some changes for my wife. Clothes, don't you? "

Shi Nianyao: ...

How did he feel obedient to say such a true scripture?

Shi Nianyao bit his lip, took the clothes, and gestured, and found his number. Then he laughed, walked into the dressing room next to him, changed his clothes, and washed. Then he left. come out.

When Shi Nianyao came out, he found that Mo Xicheng was no longer upstairs.

She walked down the door of the master bedroom, went out, and stood on the second floor, and heard the sound from the kitchen.

Shi Nianyao went step by step, came down to the kitchen door, and stood there, just to see Mo Xicheng wearing an apron, standing at the kitchen door, busy frying eggs.

His movements were very neat. The eggs were poured into the pot, and after two minutes, they were out of the pot, then sandwiched in the hot bread slices, cut a few pieces of fruit, and reached two glasses of milk.

He was doing these things very quickly, and he had a feeling of moving, and after he finished, he came out with a breakfast plate.

After seeing her, she said, "I don't know what kind of breakfast you like, and there is no rice in the house. When I get off work at night, I will buy some, and I can cook some porridge for you later."

Shi Nianyao nodded when he heard this, but his eyes fell on the breakfast made by Mo Xicheng.

Reached to take over, sat in the dining room with Mo Xicheng, and then Shi Nianyao quickly ate the breakfast before standing up. "Anyway, you're going to work in a while, then I'll go home."

Mo Xicheng heard this, paused, and said, "I'm going to have a meeting today, otherwise, wait for me to take you home at noon?"

I did n’t return home last night, and Yao ’s father and brother must be crazy.

Can't let her go back under pressure alone, he will go back with her.

Shi Nian Yao immediately waved his hand, "No need, no problem, I can do it alone, my dad and my brother especially spoil me, and they will not treat me, at most I will scold you, you do not need to be nervous."

Mo Xicheng: ...

When he saw Shi Nianyao stood up, he simply stood up and went out, sticking to his principles, "I'll send you back."

Shi Nianyao: "But aren't you going to work?"

Mo Xicheng, "It doesn't matter, I can send you back to your home before going to work, just the way."

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