You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1508: He is my son ... (81)

Seeing that Mo Xicheng was so stubborn, Shi Nianyao nodded knowing he could not beat him.

The two sorted out themselves and then went out.

As soon as I walked to the door, I saw Shi's car. He stopped at the door. After seeing two people, the driver immediately walked down from the car.

Shi Nianyao: ...

Mo Xicheng took a look at Shi Nianyao and said directly: "I'll send her back."

The driver nodded.

The driver drove and followed behind Shi Nianyao.

Through the mirror in the car, Mo Xicheng can see the nervousness of Shi Nianyao's face.

He couldn't help but say, "The courage that made me turn around last night to go home, where have I been?"

Shi Nianyao heard this, lowered his head, and muttered quietly, "It was seduced by a sleeping male god, but not now."

Mo Xicheng: ...

Mo Xicheng couldn't help crying. He glanced at Shi Nianyao, then shook his head, and then continued to drive.

The car quickly arrived at the Shijia Villa. When parked in the courtyard, you could see Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan stepping out of the living room and headed straight for the two of them.

Shi Nianyao took a few deep breaths in the front passenger seat before pushing the door open.

She immediately smiled, "Mom!"

Si Jingyu couldn't help shaking her head at her.

And Mo Xicheng immediately got down from the driver's seat, watching Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan nodded and said hello: "Mom, Dad."

Si Jingyu: ...! !!

Shi Jinyan: ...! !!

Shi Jinyan said directly: "Don't shout, don't you!"

Before he finished speaking, he was dragged by Si Jingyu's sleeve, and then the words behind Shi Jinyan swallowed back.

Si Jingyu stared at Mo Xicheng, looked up and down, and suddenly couldn't help laughing, "Did you have breakfast?"

Before Mo Xicheng spoke, Shi Nianyao immediately replied: "I have eaten it, and my male **** made the sandwich and milk for me!"

Si Jingyu looked at Moxi Chen in surprise, "Do you still cook?"

Mo Xicheng looked down and nodded. "If you were fine before, learn it yourself."

Si Jingyu was satisfied. "Life is to learn more and try everything. But you should be more promising than Yao. She learned to cook at home when she was a kid and can burn the kitchen at home."

"I don't have a future, but I have done too much in dark cooking, and it's considered a snack."

Si Jingyu nodded.

She couldn't help staring at Mo Xicheng, and looked up and down a few times, thinking of what Li Shu said, couldn't help but sigh, it was really a dragon and a dragon and a phoenix, and the mouse's son would punch holes.

Even if he had exchanged with Xiaosan's son since he was a child, the scent of the book on Mo Xicheng's body still followed Li Shu and remained unchanged.

As long as she thought about the boy in front of her and was replaced by her from an early age, she felt extremely unfortunate.

She turned to look at Shi Nianyao again, and said, "I have eaten, wouldn't I go to work now?"

Shi Nianyao: "... Ah?"

Did she hear it wrong? Why did n’t Mom and Dad question what happened last night?

She turned back in doubt, looking at Mo Xicheng, and heard Mo Xicheng say, "Then I'm going to work."

Until Mo Xicheng left the villa, Shi Nianyao didn't return to God, but turned around and saw that the parents didn't seem to want to settle accounts with her after the fall.

Shi Nianya stuck his tongue out and ran upstairs.

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