You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1511: He is my son ... (84)

Mo Zhining frowned, and sneered, and said, "Well, then you come up with a big project! I tell you that although a lot of people are investing in movies, but good movies, everyone is working hard. Invest in it! Don't fool us with any small script. "

This resonated with senior executives.

"Yes, it can't be a niche movie, or that kind of casual commercial ..."

"That is, the first film investment in our movie city must follow the high-end route, otherwise, the future trend will definitely be set."


Everyone you say, I say this, but sitting at the peak of the crowd frowned.

The person next to him couldn't help lowering his voice and asked, "Peak, what do you think?"

Gao Feng grunted coldly.

In recent days, almost all of the film investment in the circle knows that they really haven't heard that it can be compared with the film in the hands of Li Dao.

This Mo Xicheng, can it be possible to make a movie high by making additional investment in a movie?

Although there are many scripts now, really good scripts are still scarce!

Sure enough, young people want to come up with a movie to obscure the past.

Gao Feng's anger was even greater.

At first he was obedient and he didn't listen, so many things happened. Now let's see how he ends!

In the end, it's really impossible, let's do it yourself!

It's better to let Li Shu know how wicked her son is!

The thought fell, he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Just under everyone's attention, Mo Xicheng said lightly: "Director Li's movie is not suitable for our investment. It happens that Director Wang has made a new movie. I have already negotiated with Director Wang! We can work together! Forty percent investment. I don't know about this project. Is everyone interested ?! "

Public: ...

In a word, the entire conference room was silent, and everyone stared at him.

Li Dao and Wang Dao are two of the most prestigious directors in the director world, but Li Dao always has some problems, and because of some quirks, the movie has been hot, but the word of mouth has not been good.

But Wang Dao is different!

Dao Wang is the first director of China!

How many people are pursuing his directed movie and want to invest!

How could Mo Xicheng talk about forty percent at once? !!

Is this impossible?

Everyone widened his eyes and stared at him in disbelief.

Only Mo Zhi swallowed saliva, and then asked: "Wang Dao, what Wang Dao, don't take out a Wang Dao casually to flicker us! You are the hero of the filming of Wang Dao, but we all You know, Wang Dao chose you secondly. Why did you give you such a big face ?! I do n’t think this king is the king at all! Mo Xicheng, can you tell clearly which king is it? "

Mo Xicheng stared at Mo Zhi, saying word by word: "The king of Wang Kan."

In a word, everyone is speechless!

Mo Xicheng looked at all the people present and couldn't help lowering his eyes.

After Wang Kan's film "Xiongxiong" achieved a new high at the box office, he renewed his position in the circle.

And Wang Kan has a bad smell, that is, making a movie in two years, so after shooting "Xiongxiong", everyone thought he was going to rest.

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