You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1512: He is my son ... (85)

Only Shen Liangchuan knew that Wang Kan got the script of "Xiongxiong 2" in his hands. The script was so good and great that he couldn't help but plan to start filming this year.

After Shen Liangchuan took over the Shen family's enterprises and was concerned about various investment projects, he cooperated with Wang Dao. At the last celebration party, when Shen Liangchuan knew that he was going to return to Mo's family, he dragged him. The two sides invested in this big cooperation the film.

Therefore, it is not surprising that people in the company now, because Wang Kan has not yet released the wind.

Morrie yelled, "Why didn't I hear that Wang Dao was planning to make a movie? Don't confuse audiovisual here, it must be fake!"

Moxie sneered, "What you didn't hear, was it fake?"

Mo Zhi shouted, "You must come to delay time. Who doesn't know that Wang Dao will be planning to make a new movie next year? When you say this now, you must be planning to delay time and offend Li Dao for excuses! This must be the case. Who said that is correct next year ?! "

The people around me also immediately agreed:

"Yes, Mr. Wang is here to make a movie and take a year off. It is impossible to make a movie this year!"

"These words are too watery, and forty percent ... even if we can get so much money, will Wang Daoken accept it?"

"Forty percent of what you said was your own imagination? Our company just started to set up a film and television city, how could Wang Dao trust you and give you 40 percent?"

"I see, even the cooperation may be fake. Young people now, oh! The sexes are so amazing!"

Everyone you say, I say, lively.

Mo Xicheng looked at them and looked down for a while. The reason why he didn't speak and refute was just delayed. The reason why Mo Zhi has been playing a one-man show there is because ... At 10:30 today, we will announce the news of "Xiongxiong 2".

And now it's 10.29.

He listened to the words of the crowd, and remained silent, watching the time, it became ten thirty.

He picked up the phone, opened Weibo, and found the official blog of the "Xiongxiong" crew. As soon as he clicked in, he saw a message pop out.

"Hero 2" is expected to be filmed this year!

A few seconds before this news came out, maybe everyone didn't find it, so it didn't cause much heat, but one minute later, someone suddenly came out, as if you saw a bomb, exclaimed and forwarded!

Seeing that the news spread quickly, Mo Xicheng raised his eyes and looked at Mo Zhi.

When Mo Zhicheng didn't speak, he thought he was right, and he sneered and said, "What is your status in the entertainment industry? Everyone knows it well, you know that you filmed the heroine, but that was Because Shen Liangchuan didn't shoot, the character was given to you! How good is your relationship with Wang Dao? Oh, if it is really that good, you have already become popular in the entertainment circle for so many years, why you have been Tepid, don't think that everyone doesn't know what the reason is! Don't think that taking out Wang Dao as a shield, we will spare you! Let me tell you, this thing about Li Dao, I ca n’t live! As soon as you entered the company, you disrupted a big project in the company, and the company must punish you! "

PS: See you at night ~~

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