You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1617: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (90)

While Mo Hai was immersed in sorrow, the phone suddenly rang.

He lowered his head, took it up, and found that it was a call from his home, so he chose to answer. After the answer, the voice of the housekeeper came across.

Mo Hai hesitated, "What does it mean to disappear?"

"He was originally kept in a nanny room, but after a while we found out that the window had been opened and the others had disappeared."

Mo Hai paused before realizing that he didn't think he would treat him, so did he escape in advance?

It turned out that in his mind, everyone was bad.

When these ideas came up one by one, he suddenly felt very lonely and lonely.

In this life, his favorite woman is Li Shu, and his favorite son is Mo Zhi.

But in the end, these people left him one by one.

He was sitting alone in the car, looking at the sky outside the window.

He was a little dazed in the vast crowd.

Then he turned around and headed out.

The car was driving on the road. He was driving and suddenly saw a building in front of him. On the hanging LCD monitor, an advertisement endorsed by Mo Xicheng was playing.

Mo Xicheng's gloomy eyes, through the big screen, seemed to look into his heart, making him unable to resist the shock of his body.

Moses Cheng ...

Looking closely, his features are actually more resemblance to himself than nonsense.

Even if he grew up with Yao Lili, the temperament of Mo Zhi was not something Yao Lili could cultivate.

This son is very good, very good.

Once good enough, he was afraid that Mo Xicheng would return to the family and fight for property with Mo Zhi.

Such a son, it stands to reason, should be proud of him.

It's like when Moshi was a child, he was a student's parent. When he attended the parent meeting, he would be very envious of the parents of those students who scored first in academic performance, dance first, or other first.

At that time, I often wondered, if Mo Zhi could get the first place, how good would it be for the parents who let him sit for a while?

But this idea is obviously unrealistic.

At that time, he could see Mo Xicheng every time.

He sat silently in the back row alone, with no parents and no company. He lowered his head and wrote his homework seriously, as if everything outside him had nothing to do with him.

He thought that Mo Xicheng had a score of 60 on each exam.

In fact, he understands that it is easy to fail a person and to get a perfect score, but it is very difficult for a person to accurately grasp the score of 60.

This shows that Mo Xicheng must be very clear about those test questions.

Such people do not have any problem in passing the first grade.

Teachers have said in private.

But he never paid attention to it.

Even he knew that he would not let Mo Xicheng conduct exams better than Mo, so Mo Xicheng resisted him with 60 points in each course, which is a pride and stubbornness unique to boys.

Until now ...

He finally couldn't help thinking.

If the child did not report an error at that time, then the parents of the first students who stood on the podium and talked about the experience of educating their children should be themselves.

At this moment, he can also stand proudly in front of that advertisement screen and tell everyone that Mo Xicheng is his son.

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