You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1618: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (91)

For the first time, Mo Hai felt a kind of regret from the heart.

He stared at the big screen, finally shook his head, then continued to drive and walked home.


Mo Xicheng handled a series of things in the company. After everything in Mo's company was explained, the company was finally on track.

Mo Xicheng also finally had time to start thinking about his relationship with Shi Nianyao.

Recently, every time he went to Shi's house, he could feel that Shi Jinyan's attitude towards him was getting worse and worse, but from beginning to end, he didn't want to understand what was going on.

That day, after work, he went to the underground parking lot.

When I arrived at the parking lot, I drove out, bought fruits and flowers, and hurried to the Shi family.


When the news came in, he picked up the phone and found out that it was Shi Nianyao: [Don't worry, take your time ~]

Moshi couldn't help but smile.

Today they made an appointment to go to the movies together at night, and then after watching the movies, they were romantic outside.

Because he was too busy and too busy during this time, he didn't have time to accompany her, and this important meeting was completed today, and then he had time.

Not to mention Shi Nianyao, even he missed it very much.

When I am busy, I do n’t think so, but now I relax and let myself stop thinking about things in the company, the thoughts will increase exponentially, making him feel that she thinks she is going crazy .

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes, picked up the phone, and sent a voice: "Yao Yao, I'll be right there, I miss you."

Then put the phone next to it and continue driving.

After a while, "Ding!"

Mo Xicheng picked up the mobile phone and found that Shi Nianyao also made a voice. When he opened it, he heard the noisy voice from the other side. Several people were talking together:

"Ah ... not allowed to watch!" This is Shi Nianyao.

"What is it, so mysterious?" This was Shi Yan.

"Think? I don't want to see you for a few days?" This is Shi Jinyan.

"Don't bother her ..." This is Si Jingyu.

Then, the voice became quieter. After a while, I heard the voice of Shi Nianyao: "Just after you spoke, I didn't think about it. I just pressed and listened. As a result, they all released. heard it."

Mo Xicheng: ...

No wonder the group started to tease him.


Mo Xicheng opened WeChat and said, "Today, why are there so many people in your family?"

Shi Nianyao: "Eh, yes, I don't know, usually my brother and my sister-in-law didn't go home, but how come back today? And little cherry also came ... Ah, are you still driving? Don't come back to me, drive carefully! "

Mo Xicheng listened to her with a little fierce tone, and couldn't help laughing, "I see, my wife."

As soon as the four words came out, he immediately came over and said, "Ah, ah, I'm shy!"

Mo Xicheng laughed.


At the same time, the Shi family and Shi Nianyao were holding the mobile phone. The old lady made her face flushed with redness, but was terribly amused, so she stood there and played it again.

Mo Xi Chengci Shen's voice fell, making her feel blushing and heartbeat again, so she couldn't help but open her voice and listened again.

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