You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1623: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (96)

When Mo Hai heard this, he was surprised for a moment, "What do you mean? What right does he have to ask me for money? He is now an adult and wants to divide property with me, at least he has to wait for me After he died, come and fight for inheritance with Mosi! He is suing me now? What is he suing me? "

The lawyer coughed and said, "He sued the entire Mo family because he had previously worked in the Mo family's business and had a stake in the Mo family's business. He is now suing that the Mo family cleansed him Going out of the house and defrauding his shares by illegal means, now the court is collecting evidence. "

Mo Hai frowned, "What's the good evidence in this case? His shares are collateral because he owes money from the company. Even if the court finds out, it won't What will it do to him? "

The lawyer nodded. "You're right, but the question is ... what do public opinion think?"

Mo Hai froze.

The lawyer continued to say, "Most of the people in the world are inclined to the weak. When Mr. Mo Xicheng broke his identity, in fact, a group of people on the Internet have scolded you and stood on the side of Moji. He feels that he is a vulnerable group. If Mr. Mo is going to make a big deal and the pressure of public opinion will damage the company ’s reputation, then ... so I suggest you go to him to negotiate privately and give some Money sent him, and everyone would be happy by then, wouldn't it? "

Mo Hai nodded. "I know this."

After hanging up the lawyer's phone, Mo Hai directly called Mo Zhi's mobile phone number.

The phone rang twice and was immediately answered.

Morchi's voice came from the phone. "Hey? Dad, have you got the news?"

Mo Hai's face was somber, "Mr. Zhi, what are you doing?"

Mo Zhi sneered, "If you can't give me a satisfactory answer in this matter, I'm afraid I can only leave it to reporter friends."

"You shut up!" Mo Hai roared, "Mo Zhi, who knows exactly what is wrong with this thing, you know best! Why didn't Mo's property be given to you, and you know best! I tell you, don't force I tell you the truth! "

"Dad, let's talk about it. Talk about your fool, how did you hand over the company to me, and talk about the situation in the company that year, so that everyone knows, oh, the original Mo family company, so not Reliable ... "

Mo Hai was silent.

In a company, the most important thing is his reputation, especially the Mo family enterprise, which is doing things in the hotel. If their reputation is not good, who will come to their house for dinner in the future?

So sometimes it is necessary to spend money to suppress some negative news.

This is also an investment in the company.

So Mo Hai finally said, "What do you want? You make a price."

"Thirty percent of Mo's enterprises!"

Mo Hai sneered, "This is impossible!"

Mo Zhi said directly: "I had 20% at that time, and you had about 40% in your hands. Now you have given me so much, in fact, not much! 30% of the shares, I will sell it all to Mo Xicheng. By that time, it will be hundreds of millions of things. Dad, as your son, has been raised by you for so long. Am I worth hundreds of millions? "

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