You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1624: Moshi Cheng corrects his name! (97)

How many billions?

A scum like him is not worth even a few dollars!

Mo Haiqi's face was iron blue, and he took a deep breath for a few breaths. Then he opened his voice and said to the mobile phone: "50 million, don't make a noise, this money, save money, enough for your second life!"

"But I always want to marry my wife, Dad, and I will have my own children in the future. I think it's more reliable to share. If you don't want to give me 30%, then it belongs to me. Give me that part! "

"Morse, I advise you to recognize the facts! Do you know what you are suing in the court, it is impossible to establish!"

"Of course I know, but Dad, it's all you who forced me!"

"I push you?" Mo Hai was a little surprised, was he not good enough for him?

He almost killed himself. Mo Hai didn't call the police. What did Mo Zhi want him to do? !!

"Dad, I have nothing now and nothing! Do you know that I have nothing! The barefoot ones are not afraid to wear shoes. I'll tell you, I'm just going to make a big deal about this. I'm not afraid of anything, but you guys? Even if I didn't get anything in the end, I would let Mo's family lose his reputation, let Mosi bear the stigma of persecuting his younger brother, let Li Shu bear one, an incompetent mother Deserved infamy! "

Mo Hai was angered by him, "Morse, I see that you are really daydreaming! Do you think it's easy to sue us? You can't even get the money for a lawsuit now!"

"Who says I can't get it? I have a friend to help. I'll tell you, I don't need much, just a few hundred million, just give me a hundred million, this thing, that's it, how about it? ? "

In a word, Mo Hai was suddenly speechless.

After a while, he slowly said, "Mu Zhi, do you know, I have never given you a penny. Do you know the market value of the apartment I gave you?"

Unsettled, "How much?"

"That was a big house of 200 square meters. Now it has a market value of 50 million, and you may not know it. I also prepared 50 million cash for you to guarantee your life in the second half of your life!"

Adding all this money together makes a billion!

"... Dad!" Morchi's voice changed from the anger just now to shock.

Mo Hai looked at the microphone. "What I never wanted to give you was pushed away by you. Now, what you want ... I tell you, late, from the moment you leave the house From then on, you are no longer a member of the Mo family, and all the properties of the Mo family are all Mo Xicheng. I tell you that unless Mo Xicheng agrees, you ca n’t get a penny. Here! "

After this remark, Mo Hai hung up the phone directly!

On the opposite side of the phone, his face changed slightly. He listened to the busy tone on the phone, and he lowered his head and looked at the mobile phone.

While he was staring quietly there, a hand was suddenly patted on his shoulder.

Mo Zhi immediately turned around and saw a man with a big belly standing behind him. "How about, Master Mo, can you fix it?"

Mo Zhi said directly: "Finally, you can rest assured, as long as you give me the money for the lawsuit, when the money is paid, we will be half of us! How about it?"

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