You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1672: Qiao Yiyi (2)

When did she let the Qiao family come over?

How can this group of people always stand and talk without back pain! It's so shameless!

There was a flash of anger in her heart, and a flash of intense light in her eyes, but all those emotions flashed, and she immediately recovered to the calmness of ordinary days.

When she didn't speak, Lu Nanze looked up, glanced at her, and said immediately: "Then let them in."

Qiao Yiyi: ...

As soon as Qiao stood there, looking at the door, after a while, he saw Qiao's father, Qiao, and his half-brother, Qiao, just came in, and the two of them stood there with nods and nodded to Lu Nanze. "Lu, Mr. Lu is also here!"

Qiao Yiyi: ...

It really looks like a dog leg to two people, speechless!

Lu Nanze is at least Joe's son-in-law now, can't he straighten the joystick to speak?

But this sentence, she certainly would not say.

Joe lowered his head one by one and stood there, hearing Lu Nanze nodded lightly, and immediately stood up, "You talk, I'll go upstairs first."

That look was like not having any trouble with Father Joe.

Father Joe immediately said: "No need, no need ..."

Needless to say, the atmosphere in the room became awkward for a while.

Dad Joe swallowed and dared not speak again.

Lu Nanze looked at Joe one by one and immediately went upstairs.

When Lu Nanze went upstairs, the low pressure in the living room also disappeared. Papa Joe and Qiao Gang became relaxed.

Qiao Gang turned his head and looked around the house, his eyes were full of admiration, "Wow, the Lu family really is different. You girl, you are really married into a honey pot!"

Cheap girl ...

Joe narrowed his eyes immediately, but still kept his head down and said nothing.

Father Joe couldn't help but say, "One by one, your brother is talking to you. Why are you ignoring people? It's so impolite. There is no tutor at all! You ..."

After finishing his words, Joe looked up innocently and innocently, and raised his head innocently: "Daddy, didn't you teach me a tutor?"

In a word, dad Joe for a moment.

He suddenly coughed, nodded, and then said, "Then you ask the babysitter to pour some water first!"

Joe looked at the babysitter one by one, "Sister, can you help us to pour some water?"

Lu Nanze was at home, and the babysitter was not too harsh, but she walked into the kitchen just for a glance.

Father Joe couldn't help but teach Joe one by one, "If you talk to your subordinates, you have to be proud. If you are so polite, they don't put you in the eyes ... and you don't put your brother in the eyes. See, she just glanced at your brother! "

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Feelings You care about me so much, not because the babysitter snoozed her, but because the babysitter snoozed Qiao Gang!

She lowered her head, didn't say a word, and continued to be her elm puppet.

Father Qiao was a little upset immediately, "I talk to you. Why don't you ignore people. It's no wonder that you have been married to Mr. Lu for half a year, and you haven't even conceived a child! You said, yes Didn't Mr. Lu ever touch you? "

In a word, Qiao Gang couldn't help but say, "It must be like this, you look at her counsel! Mr. Lu can see her, only ghosts!"

In a word, Joe looked up one by one and looked at Joe Gang.

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