You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1673: Qiao Yiyi (3)

Qiao Gang immediately made a little fuss, "What are you doing to stare at me? Smelly girl, believe it or not you stare at me again, I hit you and me!"

Joe dropped his head immediately, without speaking.

Qiao just couldn't help but said, "You illegitimate daughter, you dare not stare at me!"

Illegitimate daughter? !!

Joe couldn't help but tickle his lips, sneer.

Is her mother the original wife of father Joe?

It was this Qiao Gang's mother who plugged in that made her divorce from Father Qiao.

Since then, she and her mother have lived outside, and the two have also been regarded as fengshui ... but if they have not encountered trouble, they will not return to Qiao's home!

Not to let the Qiao family arrange, and married her to Lu Nanze!

Thinking of this, Qiao Yiyi's eyes narrowed, so now, still have to bear it.

Mom is alive and dead, she can't go wrong again!

So Qiao Yiyi kept his head down and didn't speak.

Dad Qiao hurriedly stopped Qiao Gang's words, "Enough, what are you talking about? You are all bleeding my blood. I'll tell you, you are brothers and sisters, you must help each other, you know?"

Qiao Gang snorted and muttered quietly, "What can she do to help me with this kind of counseling? Ah?"

But in the end, the sound is not as loud as it was just now, and it was suppressed.

Father Qiao didn't bother him any more, but looked at Qiao Yiyi, looked up quietly and looked upstairs, and then immediately said, "Mr. Lu, how many days are you staying at home this time?"

Joe looked down, "I don't know."

Papa Joe hated staring at her, "You really ... know that, let your sister get married! Give you such a good opportunity, I don't know to cherish it!"

My sister is not called Qiao Yiyi!

You said that if you let her marry, she can marry in?

It's so funny!

Joe vomited inwardly, then kept his head down without saying a word.

Seeing her like this, Father Joe became even more speechless.

She asked her mother to take her away because she was a daughter.

Later, her mother couldn't get through, and she wanted to send her daughter home. When she returned, the Joe was very thin and looked pitiful.

The wife at home didn't like her and didn't want to keep her. Just when I heard that Lu Nanze was going to marry a substitute, he said nothing and immediately pushed her forward.

This Qiao was one by one with a weak character. After hearing about it, he vaguely agreed to the family and entered the Lu family.

So at this moment, seeing her like this, Father Joe is also annoyed, "It ’s like this, I am coming to you this time, I want to talk to your brother about a family relationship, we fancy the youngest member of the Li family The Li family is a wealthy nobleman ... "

It's ridiculous, and it's a lion's mouth!

The Qiao family can be regarded as a moderately prosperous family at most, and now they have hit their minds on the wealthy!

Joe looked up pretending not to understand, "Go get a kiss!"

Dad Joe was angry, "We will definitely not agree when we go, so we want to let Mr. Lu come ..."

Let Lu Nanze force others!

Qiao didn't listen to the next words, he directly said: "Why don't you agree, their third child, don't look at Qiao Gang?"

"Oh!" Qiao just got angry when he heard this, "Wow girl, who do you think I don't look at? Seeking a fight!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, and hit Joe one by one!

Joe narrowed his eyes one by one, and clenched his fists with both hands.

Just then, I heard a calendar drinking, "What are you doing ?!"

PS: After the update, see you tomorrow ~~ Children's Day, happy holidays! In the new month, I hope everyone will vote for my monthly guarantee. Thank you! !!

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