You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1696: Where did you touch me? !! (6)

However, the thought just passed by, and he scorned his lips.

In this world, except for Qiao Lian, I am afraid there is no woman who can arouse his interest.

He held no trace directly and went out into the living room.

After turning on the door light, it was found that there was no trace of injuries.

Her shoulders were swollen high. It seemed that she was trying to prevent blood from flowing out, so she deliberately suppressed the blood, but if the blood did not flow out, it would cause stasis in the body!

This no trace is really cruel to yourself!

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze threw her on the sofa, then went into the bathroom and took a bath

I had planned to talk to her after waiting to wake up without a trace.

But when she came out of the bath, she found that her wound had started to ulcerate.

If I don't deal with it in time, I'm afraid she's really dead tomorrow!

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze frowned.

Immediately, he strode over, and the disappointed one picked up Joe one by one, and then hugged her and walked to the bathroom.

Because she climbed the wall and climbed the car, she had a lot of dust on her black clothes.

At this time, the wound will be easily infected, so you must rinse it first.

Lu Nanze did not hesitate, without any staying, he tore open the light-weight dress without trace, and immediately threw her whole into the water ...

Joe was awakened suddenly by the sudden accident.

When I opened my eyes, I felt that my body was contained in a warm liquid.

Opening her eyes slowly, she found herself lying in the bathtub.

And the water in the bathtub became a bit red because of her wound.

Joe shoved one by one, holding both sides of the bathtub with both hands, and shivering stood up!

As soon as she stood up, she suddenly realized something, and slowly turned back to see Lu Nanze standing there calmly.

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Qiao's brain was still a little slow, he looked at him first, then couldn't help lowering his head and looking at himself.

Found that she was naked.

She looked up again and looked at Lu Nanze.

Then look down again.

After repeating it twice, the woman who was somewhat dulled by Ecstasy finally recovered.

She screamed suddenly, and squatted down, curling her whole body into the water!

"Pervert, what are you doing here? What are you doing to me ?!"

Before the coma, she was still in the trunk of the car. After waking up, she found that she was completely naked, not to blame without thinking too much!

It is true that Lu Nanze has never touched her since he married her. Because of Qiao Lian, he has never touched a woman. Does it mean that the brutality is now big? !!

This bastard!

Bully her while she is hurt!


she was……

Joe thought of this one by one and immediately reached out his hand and touched his face.

The mask is still okay.

As I was thinking about it, I heard Lu Nanze grinning, "What's so nice about your dried-up body?"

Qiao Yiyi: ...! !!

She looked up stupidly, her sharp eyes approaching Lu Nanze: "Sex, what are you talking about ?!"

Lu Nanze raised an eyebrow. "Is that wrong? The other women are two gimmicks. I see you, there are only two points!"

Qiao Yiyi: ...! !! !!

Joe bowed his head one by one and looked at his hands.

Although it is a bit flat, it is not as miserable as Lu Nanze said!

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