You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1697: Where did you touch me? !! (7)

Ah, no! What are you thinking? !!

Qiao stunned back to God, immediately angry, staring directly at Lu Nanze, "You go out!"

Lu Nanze didn't say a word, turned around and left without feeling nostalgic at all.

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Anyway, she is also a woman, this Lu Nanze, why can't she look at her like a woman at all.

But Lu Nanze went out and she could escape.

So Joe looked outside one by one. This is the second floor.

Thinking of this, Joe stood up one by one, preparing to escape, but found out! !! !!

My night clothes have been torn, and there is no way to wear them!

And throughout the room, there was only one bathrobe!

If she ran out in a bathrobe ... this is a villa, in the wilderness, where would she buy clothes to wear? !!

Thinking of this, Qiao immediately realized why he had just let Lu Nanze go out, and he went out. He wasn't worried that she would escape.

This Lu Nanze is nothing to miss!

Joe sat down in the bathroom convincingly, thinking for a moment.

As I was thinking, I heard Lu Nanze say, "I won't treat the wound, I'm afraid it will be infected."

In a word, Joe turned his head and looked at his shoulder.

At this moment, there was a little numbness there.

It turned out that Lu Nanze was cleaning her wounds again, but it should be cleaned with flowing water. If you throw it in the bathtub, it will be more likely to be infected!

Joe vomited with all his heart, turned on the shower head, and focused on cleaning the wound.

Wait until the washing is almost finished, and then come out.

Pick up the bathrobe, cover yourself, and look out the door again.

What happened today seems that Lu Nanze must know that she was in the trunk, but still brought her out, indicating that Lu Nanze should not send her to the police station.

It's just ... Why would Lu Nanze help her?

Does he already know who he is?


If you know her identity, you don't need to put her on a mask, and if she just looks at her, she won't be so calm. She should be shocked.

So Lu Nanze saved her, there must be other reasons!

Having figured this out, Joe calmed down one by one.

She took a deep breath, then looked at the mirror to calm herself.

No matter what Lu Nanze tells her, she should remain calm before she can negotiate!

Thinking of this, Qiao pushed the bathroom door open and went out.

As soon as I went out, I saw Lu Nanze sitting on the sofa, staring at her, seeing her go out, pointing to the sofa, "sit."

Joe walked over one by one.

Lu Nanze took out a medical box, "Martial law in Bai'an Security City, now I'm taking you to the hospital, showing the sheep into the tiger's mouth, so now only I can help you take out the bullets, but I have never taken a bullet for anyone I don't know much about this, so now, dare you let me try it? "

As soon as the words fell, Joe saw his eyebrows straight, "She really deserves me!"

Lu Nanze froze, but did not expect her to be so proud now, without any embarrassment.

He stared at No Trace, and for the first time had a feeling of appreciation.

He looked at her and said slowly, "Come here."

Joe sat down on the sofa, and the next moment, the bathrobe on his shoulder was pulled by the man, so ... the whole body was exposed in front of him all at once.

PS: See you tomorrow ...

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