You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1802: Thought she was a sick cat? (32)

Staying here is almost furious!

As soon as she reached the door, she heard Lu Nanze calling her; "No trace, where are you going?"

Whispering without a trace, "Go, what are you doing here?"

Lu Nanze was still surprised, "You don't look at my legs?"

Look at the wool!

There was no trace in her heart, and she groaned silently. Was this leg touched by her yesterday? !!

What catches your eyes!

No trace of this thought rolled his eyes on the sky.

Lu Nanze Gu said that he didn't talk about serious matters and made Wu mark even more angry. "What's so good, I can't be disabled anyway, I have something to do, let's go first."

When this remark came down, people had already reached the window, and when they were about to jump down, they suddenly heard Lu Nanze saying, "No trace, Liang Liang is here today. Let me bring you a word."

No trace: ...!

Could she almost plant it all at once?

Can't this person speak earlier?

She turned around and saw Lu Nanze staring at her, then sighed after a while.

Incognito asked: "What?"

Seeing Wujin only stayed in the footsteps when he heard Liang Liang, Lu Nanze's heart was not a taste.

She was so injured that she didn't leave a trace without asking. When she heard the word Liang Liang, she stopped ... Besides, she took the initiative to raise Liang Liang several times.

Plus last night ...

When No Trace came to him, he could not make a sound, but made a sound, let Liang Liang run after her ...

Does all of this explain the fact that Wuchen doesn't mean anything to herself, she is still thinking about Liang Liang? !!

In these years, the influx of madness came to his mind, making Lu Nanze's expression suddenly hesitant.

When the two of them met, what would he do in case the old feelings returned?

Become lonely again? !!

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze frowned.

He didn't want to say ...

But in my mind, the words that Qiao loved at the beginning flashed again;

Sometimes letting go is a fulfillment.

The man who has always been domineering, at this moment, for the first time, takes into account the feeling of no trace.

If, with Liang Liang, no trace is happier, then let her go happily.

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze praised the actions of his mother.

He looked at No Trace, those words that he wanted to say, but didn't want to say.

After just tangling for a few seconds, Lu Nanze said in the end: "Liang Liang wants to meet you and he said that there are some small misunderstandings between you, so it is best to explain clearly.

No trace: ...

No trace did not expect, in the end, Lu Nanze sighed and told the truth of the matter.

She thought that this man would never tell herself.

Wujin narrowed his eyes, looked at Lu Nanze, and nodded. "Okay. Then you should arrange everything."

Lu Nanze became official, "Which time do you think is right?"

No trace, "It's better to choose a day than hit the day, and it will be dawn tomorrow."

Meet tomorrow?

Lu Nanze's heart was not a taste anymore.

Can't she just wait?

Why wait a few more days?

Instead, when he looked up and saw the eyes hidden behind the mask, if he was in a dilemma, he swallowed like this, and he said, "Okay, you choose a cafe, I will help you arrange your hands to prevent being caught. "

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