You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1803: Thought she was a sick cat? (33)

No trace did not show kindness to Lu Nanze, nodded, "Thank you."

With these two words left, the name of a cafe was reported: "Coffee Girl."

Then he turned directly and jumped from the window.

Lu Nanze looked at her back and sighed.

Before leaving Wujin, he didn't even come to look at his legs, and paid no attention to him ...

How much affection does she have for herself?

Lu Nanze frowned, thinking in bed.


Joe came out of the ward one by one, then got into his sports car and changed his clothes. Then all the traces were wiped out, and then he went on to the hospital ward.

Joe felt that he was really tired.

For a while, he played invisible, and as a cowardly Qiao Yiyi, are you going to have schizophrenia?

So, where does she remember that, as invisible, she has not seen Lu Nanze's injury. What should be concerned about?

This created Lu Nanze's entangled heart, and he took a rose flower and drew petals there: "She loves me, she doesn't love me ..."!

One by one, Qiao noticed the change in Lu Nanze's mood, but after he walked in, he poured him a glass of water. He had just said so much that he must be thirsty.

Lu Nanze took it and took a sip.

Then I had no appetite and set the water aside. Then I sighed and took out my cell phone silently and called: "Butler, come here, I have something to do, and I want you to arrange it."

Hanging up the phone, the housekeeper came to the hospital within a few minutes.

Joe looked at them one by one and immediately stood up. "You said, I'll go out."

I also know to avoid suspicion, and it seems that he has more vision.

Lu Nanze blanked Joe one by one, and immediately discussed with the housekeeper about the layout of the cafe, which must be discovered as soon as the police arrived, and then notified to Mark in time.

None of these things could be discussed in a short while, so Lu Nanze and the housekeeper had been discussing for two hours before formulating the best plan.

At the end, the housekeeper sighed, "This manpower arrangement is a bit too much. I'm afraid our family can't afford so many people for the time being."

Lu Nanze pointed to his bodyguard, "Let them go too, the staff must be sent, I don't want to let them do anything."

The steward bowed his head, respectfully.


The next morning, early in the morning, Joe made excuses and slipped out of the ward.

Immediately, she took a taxi to the cafe.

Because a mask is too conspicuous, she will definitely not find a place in the lobby to wait for Liang Liang. She ordered a private room.

When he entered the private room, he sent a message to Lu Nanze.

Lu Nanze received the news and called Liang Liang, "No trace is waiting for you at the coffee girl."

Liang Liang was directly excited, "Really?"

Lu Nanze: "Really."

Liang Liang said decisively, "I'll go right now!"

"Well, by the way, don't wear a tail, otherwise, don't blame me for not caring about my old love."

Liang Liang nodded, "You can rest assured, I know, this time will definitely not give Bai Anan any chance."

After saying this, Liang Liang paused, before Lu Nanze hung up the phone, he suddenly said, "Lu Nanze, could you answer me a question first?"


"Why are you so concerned about things without traces ?!"

PS: After the update, see you tomorrow ~~

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