You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1805: Thought she was a sick cat? (35)

At that time, he was also helpless ... Because Wuchen did not obey him, he turned from black to white. As a policeman, he must make the appropriate response.

So don't blame him.

He also has his own problems.

However, it was not until a long time later that he suddenly realized how ridiculous his move was.

But at that time, everything was too late.

Liang Liang chased Wuchen for half a year just to get a statement.

However, No Trace has never given her.

At this moment, seeing no trace, he went straight.

However, when he came to the coffee shop and saw the figure of the young girl sitting by the window, all his integrity and all disappeared.

He looked there almost greedily, and seemed to want to turn all his thoughts in the past half a year into one glance, ten thousand glances.

I don't know how long it took, and finally found that Liang Liang had come.

She stood up and looked at Liang Liang. "You are here."

Liang Liang nodded.

Marking the opposite, "Sit."

That look, it seems that the two are not dead enemies at all, but they have not seen good friends for a long time.

Liang Liang walked across to the spotless and sat down, not knowing why, the atmosphere of the scene, at this moment, all the rhythms were mastered by the spotless.

His joy and anger, even all his attention, were on the traceless body. What he originally wanted to say, at this moment, he had forgotten everything, and only knew that he looked at the woman.

No trace but no anxious chat, just ordered two coffees.

Although the waiter was surprised that No Trace was wearing a silver mask, some things should be said, some things should not be known, just looked at No Trace twice and went out.

After the waiter left, he picked up the cappuccino on the table without a trace, took a sigh, and then set the coffee down.

Liang Liang asked, "No trace ..."

Look up without a trace.

Liang Liang asked, "How have you been in the past six months?"

"... Very good," Wuji smiled.

It ’s really good. Pretending to be Qiao Yiyi, she hides in Lu's house and is invisibly protected by Lu Nanze, which saves her a lot of trouble and kills many enemies.

It can be said that this half year is even better than before.

Liang Liang knew that even if he had n’t had a bad time, Liang Liang said that it was good, so Liang Liang paused, and then he said again: "I have been able to live well in the past six months, and now I am in the police inside……"

He didn't finish the words, and interrupted him without a trace. "You called me, what do you want to ask?"

The straightforward way of questioning made Liang Liang stunned.

But instantly felt the long-lost familiarity.

No trace is like this, straightforward and bold, say whatever you have.

It was her frankness that year that attracted him.

Liang Liang was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at the trace. "Okay, then, what do we say today, I just want to ask you, why did you give up on me? Why betray me, why? "

Liang Liang asked a little emotionally, and he stared at the woman in front of him.

He was a proud man from an early age. He rarely considered anything for others. At that time, he wanted to be with her so much, so he found such a good opportunity for her ... but she betrayed them at the last moment.

For six months now, he has always wanted to ask, why?

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