You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1806: Thought she was a sick cat? (37)


Joe felt that this was a joke.

How did he have a face and asked this sentence?

What happened then was that he was trapping her.

He said the country needed her to help steal something.

She believed it.

Every time she met him, although she was on guard, she was trusting.

They devised many theft methods to help the country with something.

Until the end, after she finalized the method, the day she planned to execute, she found that the thing had been stolen.

She was aggressive at the time.

Then she found that the police surrounded her.

She was really blinded at the time, and she had thought about whether Liang Liang had deceived her.

After all, a police officer came to help her, and promised that if she did it well, she would give her a special police status, so that she would appear in front of people ...

At the end of the end, all this was found to be false.

Sad, sad, hopeless.

These emotions are there.

She looked at the police and knew she could escape.

But she carried Liang Liang to the scene, and then she was forced to go to the top floor.

She was really angry at the time, held host Bai Anan and threatened Liang Liang to let her leave.

But she didn't expect that Liang Liang would save Bai Anan at the last moment and push her downstairs.

It was a 50-storey high-rise building. There was nothing in the whole high-rise building that could ease her momentum. If she fell, she would really die.

She was desperate at the time.

So, how could he say this with a face?

Qiao stared at Liang Liang one by one, sneered, and immediately said, "This sentence, should I ask you?"

Liang Liang froze, "What do you mean?"

The next moment he said, "You came the day before and stole something, and you still blame me? I trust you so much and gave you all the keys in the police station, but you use the police system to come Deceive me ... No trace ... what's the use of stealing that thing? Have you ever thought that if you do this, you will lose your last chance! And do you know if you do this, I Will it be difficult in the police station? A long time after that, I ca n’t afford to look up in front of my colleagues !! "

When he said that, his eyes were red. "And Amu ... how can you bear with him ?! He is so young!"


Joe shivered one by one.

She remembered.

When Liang Liang came in contact with her at that time, a newly graduated policeman who was next to the police station was around her early twenties.

At that time, the three of them often played together, laughed and made plans together.

She snapped. "What's wrong with Mu?"

Liang Liang smiled bitterly. "I'm settled, Amu's family ... but I can't forgive myself or forgive you ... No trace, how can you do this to him ... even if I know you didn't kill him intentionally Yes, but he died because of you ... "

Joe looked at him one by one, "What are you talking about? What the **** is wrong?"

When the words fell down, Liang Liang looked up and stared at her. "You had stunned Amu to steal things, but you didn't know. After Amu passed out, no one found it for a long time, so It was suppressed by something, suffocated. "

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