You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1807: Thought she was a sick cat? (36)

Joe narrowed his pupils one by one and widened his eyes narrowly. "What are you talking about?"

She said that in the subsequent pursuit of her, Amu was rarely seen.

It turns out ...

Amu is a good boy.

She remembered that when she was with Liang Liang, sometimes they had quarrels and conflicts, and Amu would look at them with a perplexity, nervous anxiety, and even coax her with a childish tone.

Later, she said how did you use that tone?

Amu also jokingly said: "Because you are a little child in my eyes ..."

That child, warm, feels great.

But, how could this be so ... And just now, what did Liang Liang say?

She looked at him puzzled, "What do you mean? Something was stolen in advance? Why did I faint Amu ?!"

Liang Liang lowered his head and laughed, "No trace, is it interesting to speak like this? I came to you today, just to be frank and honest, but do you need this attitude?"

He looked at No Trace. "I was so anxious to see you at that time that I really wanted to kill you and take revenge on him ... so I put down my heavy hand. But when you are about to fall down the building, I Only to find out that I really couldn't bear it, and I regretted it at the time ... No trace, even if you betrayed me, even if you hurt Amu, I found that I still couldn't really kill you. "

When he said that, he lowered his head a little in shame, and clenched his fists tightly. "But I am a policeman. When I face you, there is always a lot of helplessness. I know I hurt you deeply , You also have to understand my difficulty ... "

Before I finished speaking, Wuji stood up suddenly. "I ask you again, what are you talking about? Why did I steal something in advance? When did I stun Amu?"

Liang Liang heard this, and suddenly hesitated, "Not you?"

Speechless, "I don't understand what you're talking about! What the **** are you doing?"

Liang Liang's eyes widened stupidly, staring at the mark unbelievably, and he couldn't speak for a while.

His mouth opened and opened again.

She knew nothing without a trace, and she combined everything together, and then she suddenly found out ...

"That thing was stolen one day in advance. So you suspect it was me, and then the trap was set there the next day ?!"

Liang Liang froze his chin and was speechless for a while.

No trace sneered, "Are I mentally disabled? I stole something and will pass it the next day? Why do you think I should do this?"

"I, I can't say clearly, but the first day is you ... the evidence is conclusive, and the witnesses and physical evidence are all there!"

"Witness? Who?"

Liang Liang stunned: "Bai Anan."

Immaculate suddenly leaked a smile-like expression, "What about physical evidence?"

"Your earrings fell there, and all these thefts came as we planned ..."

"So, if I stole something, would I pass it the next day?"

Liang Liang bowed his head. "We all know that you won't pass, but I still arranged those people in a ghostly way and waited for your arrival ... I didn't expect you to come over ..."

Hearing this, Wuchen felt funny, so many flaws, he even believed that he was himself.

PS: Ah, my sister and sister are getting married. I have returned to my hometown. There are many things these days. I want to make sure that I update 4,000 words. !!

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