You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1809: Thought she was a sick cat? (39)

Liang Liang froze. "What do you mean?"

"It means ..." Qiao said one by one, "I never stole that thing, whether you believe it or not! I am a thief, and stealing that thing will only cause trouble to myself, this In the past six months, you should know more about what a dog looks like to me! "

Believe it or not ...

As soon as this sentence came out, Liang Liang had already believed half!

He stared unbelievably.

I thought of Bai Anan's confession at the time, the place where it was stolen, the earring left behind, the cooperation without trace afterwards, and even the netting ...

At that time, he thought he was very clever, thinking that he stole the thing without a trace. In order not to provoke himself and make people hunt, he would make an illusion, cooperate with the police to steal, and then found that the thing was lost Then, no one would doubt her.

It's just a pity that No Trace hasn't counted. She has seen through her tricks for a long time, so she trapped.

Six months ago, Liang Liang had never thought about it, and he would misunderstand it.

But it was not until this moment that he suddenly realized that he had really misunderstood it!


All this is a misunderstanding!

Think about what Bai An'an did, and think about what Director Bai looked like. He suddenly understood what he thought, but he felt that he should be used and involved in a complicated conspiracy.

He stared in shock, his lips opened, and wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't even say a word.

He swallowed a spit of water and saw no trace of sorrow and no joy: "I never thought that you would be stupid like this ... You are a policeman, you have your coat, but you have I never thought about who I am without a trace? I also have my own bottom line !!! But maybe it may be that in your eyes, I will always be the thief who can't stand on the stage, so you guess me so! "

Staring at him without a trace, "Only set a trap and let me get into the trap !! Liang Liang, I tell you ... I have never hated anyone in my life, but now, I hate you!"

Liang Liang said, "No trace, I ..."

"You don't need to say that, since then, the two are irrelevant. If you still have a little guilt, then please help me clarify on the rivers and lakes, don't let me live as a street mouse!"

Speaking of which, she turned and walked out.

Halfway through, his wrist was suddenly dragged.

No trace turned and saw Liang Liang staring at her, "No trace, I, I was really wrong, I misunderstood you ... No trace, don't go, I know I was wrong, can you give me another Opportunity! Since it is a misunderstanding between us, and since we are still in love with each other, we cannot separate ... The misunderstanding has been solved, isn't this all a joy? "

Are you happy?

Joe stared at him one by one, only to feel the irony.

Not to mention that because of this misunderstanding, I have been hiding in Tibet for the past six months, let me say that ...

When she thought of that scene, she suddenly felt like a knife.

She bit her lip and stared at him and said, "Do you think we can go back to the past? Liang Liang, I really don't know, should I say that you are simple or good, or that you are stupid and good! You forget, then One day, how did I escape ?! "

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