You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1810: Thought she was a sick cat? (40)

How did you escape?

Liang Liang froze for a moment, but suddenly thought of something again, his eyes and pupils shrank, looking invisible.

Joe frowned one by one, a face full of silence and sadness, she thought of the situation that day ...

Before she went to steal, she changed her clothes seriously, thinking about the theft schedule that night.

At that time, her mother stood behind her and asked her, "Are you sure you want to go?"


My mother continued to say, "I always feel that it is not very reliable. Besides, as a thief family, can we really wash white? One by one, my mother wants you to be happy. We are like this, isn't it good? "

No trace at that time, young and vigorous.

Obviously, she can't do it.

She wanted to be present in front of people, rather than be the one who was always cowardly and bullied, the daughter of Qiao's ex-wife and ex-wife.

So when she heard her mother's words, she turned back with some excitement, "Mom, I want to wash white!"

Mom froze, her face similar to her nine points, but a kind of sadness and worry, "I worry about you ..."

"Mom, why don't you know if you don't try it?"

The mother continued to ask, "Why are you so stubborn? Thieves and police will not end well!"

Joe didn't answer one by one and went straight out the door.

The mother shouted behind her, "One by one, are my lessons not enough? Your father, he ... I just don't want to hurt you, you ..."

Without finishing his words, Joe stood still, hurriedly turned back, and looked at her, "Mom, do you know why I have to go there?"

Mom shook her head. "I don't know."

Joe smiled bitterly, and then answered, "Because, I don't want my daughter to be a thief."

My mother froze directly.

To this day, she remembers the hurt feeling on her mother's face.

No trace.

It's chic and easy to talk about, and it's crazy and bully to talk about, but how many people know that she only wants to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life? !!

She knew that this sentence hurt her mother.

But this is her truth.

When her mother taught her to be a thief, she actually complained about her.

But that was her identity, she couldn't choose, and she couldn't choose her origin.

But now that she has a chance to wash herself, why doesn't she work hard?

So, instead of caring for her injured mother, she turned around and went out.

She will use her whitewashed identity to tell her mother how happy it is to be an ordinary person.

However, she never expected that it would be such a consequence.

When she came to the stolen object after a lot of hard work, picked up the box, and found that the weight inside was wrong, and there was nothing at all, her whole heart was cold.

She is not only unwilling to cheat Liang Liang, she is even more unwilling to say those words to her mother ...

And when she was pushed away by Liang Liang, she was about to fall off the 58-story high-rise building, and she realized that as long as she fell down, she would be crushed!

In a panic, she threw the rope, trying to catch the things next to her.

However, a piece of China Resources on the top floor couldn't hold it at all.

The other end of the rope passed across the ground, and her body slowly landed!

The words that mother said had flashed in her mind:

"A thief and a policeman can never be together."

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