You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1811: Thought she was a sick cat? (41)

Ginger is still old and spicy, because she didn't believe her mother, because she misunderstood her mother's meaning ... But now, I'm afraid she has no chance to say sorry to her mother, right?

She closed her eyes in pain.

But just then, she finally heard the familiar voice, "One by one!"

With her eyes widening slyly, she saw her mother rushing over, she almost rushed over, fell directly to the ground, and grabbed the other end of the rope stiffly!

She stood on the top floor, pulling the rope with a strong expression on her face, and stared at Joe one by one. "Hurry up!"

When Joe saw his mother, he was stunned.

But she wanted to climb up, but it took a long time.

Just then, Bai Anan's voice came over, "Hurry up, grab her accomplice!"

The police around, rushed towards my mother!

Joe climbed up as he worked hard, and said, "Mom, let it go!"

Let go now, she died, but according to her mother's hand, there is no problem running away!

However, her mother shook her head and stared at her calmly. "Trust me, come up, hurry up."

Joe bit his lips one by one and tried to climb up.

She was also tugging at the rope.

Qiao Yi still remembers that when the whole body was suspended, her people did not have any sense of security, but when she saw her mother, she knew that she would not be in trouble.

She bit her lip.

The mother stood on it, watching the police around come slowly, but she raised her lips, then picked up the lighter, opened it with a sting, and was still on the ground.

Immediately, on the ground, a sea of ​​fire rose up!

Qiao realized this one by one. Mom must not worry about her, so she made arrangements here in advance!

It should have been gasoline on the ground.

The surrounding policemen stepped back and shouted, "It's on fire! Quickly, get out of here!"

For a while and a half, the gasoline fire couldn't go out, and the police couldn't get close.

Joe climbed up one by one quickly.

Just then, Bai Anan said again, "They are going to flee! Shoot!"

As this sentence fell, Joe saw one by one that the other's gun came over.

At this time, the mother can avoid it.

But as soon as she moves, Joe's rope will fall!

So, she stood there stiffly and withstood two shots!

Joe shrank his eyes and shouted, "Mom!"

Immediately, she rushed to the top floor and hugged her mother.

It was only discovered that the guns had hit the mother's chest, and a large swath of blood poured out, leaving her overwhelmed.

When she panicked, she heard her mother say, "Escape!"

Joe was shouted one by one and realized that he immediately bowed his head, carried his mother behind his back, and then quickly escaped!

Before she escaped, she heard Liang Liang's roar: "No trace!"

She turned back in the sea of ​​fire at that time, and saw Liang Liangqi's anxious body, and his nervousness, with a little guilt and a dareless look.

She lifted her lips, gently activated them, and said only two words: "Goodbye."

Never see again.

Then she took her mother and left the fire.


Joe thought about the scene one by one, and they all felt thrilled and sad.

PS: After the update, the day is up ... Good night everyone, I'm going to bed ~~ See you tomorrow.

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