You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1812: Thought she was a sick cat? (42)

She thought that she had done something wrong and never had the opportunity to tell her mother that the sentence she said before leaving was too heavy ... She hadn't had time to apologize to her mother ...

While she was thinking, Liang Liang grabbed her shoulders, she looked up, and saw Liang Liang as if she realized something, he stared at her in shock, "You mean, the woman who saved you that day ... ... "

Every corner of his lips, Joe evoked a sarcastic smile, grinning bitterly, and said slowly, "That's my mother."

Liang Liang immediately widened his eyes.

That's her mother ...

On that day, the woman's injury was clear to him. The bullet shot through her chest. It should be short.

And if the unmarked mother hasn't lived long enough, then between him and invisible ... maybe there is no chance at all.

Liang Liang thought of this, and clenched his fists tightly, staring into the spotless eyes, revealing the despair that he hadn't noticed.

And he was still clutching his shoulders tightly, for fear that they would leave, and he wanted to restore his hands, so let go slowly.

What qualifications does he have now to ask for forgiveness without trace?

Because of his stupidity! That led to the death of the traceless mother!

He stared at No Trace, then spoke after half a ring: "I, I'm sorry aunt ..."

Joe chuckled and said, "You know, but you don't have to be sad, my mother is not dead."

Liang Liang froze and looked up. "This ..."

how is this possible!

How could such an injury not die?

While thinking about it, I heard Wujin say: "Our family knows a peculiar therapist. It is said that the treatment of trauma is very good. After I fled with my mother, my mother arranged everything. I am responsible Back to Qiao's house, attracting firepower and protecting herself, then she quietly went abroad to treat her injuries. For the past six months, my mother has always sent me some messages. Her injuries are almost ready. "

Liang Liang was relieved when he heard this.

Finally, things haven't really reached the point of incurability.

Fortunately, the aunt is not dead!

He swallowed and stared at No Trace. After a while, he said, "No trace, I, I treat you ..."

I didn't finish talking, but I heard the siren sound outside!

The eye pupil shrinks without a trace, and looks back sharply at Liang Liang!

Liang Liang also frowned, and waved his hand directly, "It's not me! I can't arrange it. I and Lu Nanze are friends. How could I harm him! No trace, you have to believe me ..."

When the words fell, I heard Bai Anan's voice outside, and passed in through the speaker, "No trace, you listen, now this cafe is surrounded by us! If you are willing to cooperate well, come out first, We will spare you not to die! Otherwise, we can flatten this cafe! "

Bai An'an's confident and overbearing voice narrowed his eyes.

She turned back and gave Liang Liang an ironic look.

Liang Liang said in shock: "Not me, I don't, I ..."

Without a trace of sneer, "Your own cell phone has been monitored and you don't know?"

Liang Liang woke up instantly.

Under the ridiculous look of Wuhen, his face suddenly became red!

A kind of inexplicable embarrassment made him a little unable to lift his head, bowed his head in shame, he didn't know where to put both hands, even though he was a policeman, he didn't even have that alertness!

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