You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1815: Thought she was a sick cat? (45)

Liang Liang hung up the phone, and after leaving for the cafe, Lu Nanze, who was left in the hospital, suddenly became agitated.

He has been thinking, if the misunderstanding between Wuchen and Liang Liang is resolved, will the two of them be restored as before?

After all, No Trace is actually not affectionate to Liang Liang. If there is no emotion, then Liang Liang will not be mentioned in the night of the fever.

And Liang Liang's affection for invisible, not to mention, he has absolutely no day in the past six months, forgetting invisible.

So two people ...

Just thinking about this, Lu Nanze was a little bit restless.

In his life, from childhood to age, in addition to having loved Qiao Lian accidents, Wuhen was the first woman he liked.

But his like, has just confessed, is it about to be ended?

He closed his eyes, thinking about these issues, thinking about it, and suddenly he sat up and picked up his cell phone.

No matter what happened, he had to see it with his own eyes.

If Wuchen and Liang Liang are really reconciled, then he will give up and be regarded as fulfilling them.

And if they don't make up ... it's better.

Lu Nanze's character has never been a wait-and-see type. Even if it is the worst result, he must see it with his own eyes and face it himself.

When the steward heard this, he was blindfolded. "Sir, your leg ..."

"Just let you go! Don't bullshit!"

No one can control Lu Nanze's temper.

The steward did not dare to speak anymore, and began to arrange directly.

The location of this cafe selected by Qiao Yiyi is relatively close to the hospital, so that she can return to the hospital as Mrs. Lu as soon as possible after seeing Liang Liang.

So when Lu Nanze arrived, Liang Liang had not yet arrived.

He went directly to someone and opened the room in the private room next to Wujin.

Then I sat there, quietly waiting for Wuren and Liang Liang to meet.

Behind a private room, he couldn't hear what they were talking about, but he could hear that the invisible sound was cold and hard, and it didn't seem to forgive Liang Liang ...

Lu Nanze was relieved, but then the police came!

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes directly.

How come the police came so fast!

It is not that he did not consider the escape strategy, but it takes time to get started!

No trace needs to wait for him.

So, he followed the steward, dragging that injured leg, pretending to be innocent among the crowd.

After realizing the intentions of the police, Lu Nanze shouted directly in his throat, "Someone shot!" This caused confusion among everyone!

As long as this group of people does not leave the room, then Incognito should be safe.

However, Lu Nanze still underestimated these special policemen and rushed in!

This is awful!

They have long locked the invisible position, go straight to the past, and they can seize it!

And then go and look next to him, his people have slowly touched no trace!

At this time, as long as there is no trace of calm air, you can escape!


The unmarked character clearly belongs to the type that does not sit still.

She moved!

She would rather gamble than stay here to die!

It's a pity ... she was injured now, and her movement was a bit slow, which caused her to flash directly into the crowd, making the sniper unable to find the target, but she paused, and a bullet was directed directly at her back and shot. !! !!

PS: After updating ~ See you tomorrow ~~~ Collective!

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