You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1816: Thought she was a sick cat? (46)

The bullet speed is too fast, and it is aimed at the mark!

Lu Nanze had almost no thought, dragged his injured leg and rushed straight up!

In the smoke, he pressed his head without a trace, and the whole person fluttered on her!



The sound of bullets coming in came.

When Joe did something, he knew it was bad!

She's not as good as before, she can't escape the bullet behind her at all!

In the panic, he was pressed by someone, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Just then, someone exclaimed, "Fired!"

She didn't have time to look back, who pushed her away, and the people around her swarmed over, separating her directly from the other!

As soon as Joe's eyes widened, he heard Liang Liang's roar: "No trace! No trace!"

Joe looked back one by one. When he was about to get back, just then he held her arm in a quill, and lowered his voice, "Come with me!"

No trace is now mixed in the crowd, snipers are afraid to shoot, fearing to hurt ordinary people, and no trace just so lowered his head, followed that person, flashed directly to a corner where no one noticed, immediately Opening a secret door directly, "Follow me!"

Joe narrowed his eyes one by one.

She knew that this must be the person arranged by Lu Nanze!

So without hesitation, followed the other person and went directly into the dark room.

It was not until Joe entered it that he was relieved.


Lu Nanze held down Qiao Yiyi and used her body to block a bullet for her.

The next moment, his people touched it and grabbed his arm, but he lowered his voice and ordered: "Save no trace!"

Then, he fell to the ground and watched without a trace being rescued, and then he was relieved. At this moment, the pain in the wounds on the legs and bullets came, making his eyes dark, the whole person. Just fainted!

And no one has seen ...

The sniper in the distance ambushed because there were no traces of shots, and no traces of them were among the crowd.

The sniper did not dare to shoot at the mark.

Bai Anan stood next to him, holding a telescope, watching carefully, and then ordered: "She's in the crowd, hurry up and kill her!"

The sniper couldn't help but say, "But this distance, and she's in the crowd, I can't guarantee it, I ..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Anan immediately began to say, "I order you, shoot! Kill without trace!"

The sniper clenched his sniper rifle and said after a while. "Sorry, I can't execute the order!"

An An was angry, shoved away the sniper and ambushed directly there.

Being able to become a police officer, Bai Anan's basic skills must be very solid. Soon, she found the target, and then narrowed her eyes, facing the other side, it was a shot!


Bullets shoot out!

But the next moment, Liang Liang stood up because he couldn't find no trace.

Just then, the bullet hit his chest!

Bai An'an's heart suddenly raised!

She stood up shyly and stared at Liang Liang.

I saw Liang Liang shouting without a trace, and then the whole person fell to the ground!

Bai Anan's nervous complexion was all white. She stared at Liang Liang. The next moment, she went to find No Trace, but found that the person without trace has disappeared in the cafe.

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