You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1818: Thought she was a sick cat? (48)

He must be alive!

After Bai Anan shouted these words, tears fell.

She really, never thought about let Liang Liang die!

She loves Liang Liang very much!

How could she let Liang Liang die?

But, Liang Liang, why should he be with Wuhen?

At that time, if Liang Liang wasn't with Wuzhen, she wouldn't hurt him by mistake!

Liang Liang can't die, she is doing everything for Liang Liang.

If Liang Liang is dead, then what's the point of her being so invisible? !!

Thinking about this, Bai Anan cried out, stared at the doctor and closed the door of the operating room, and then came down in dismay.

At this moment, she suddenly saw Joe sitting on the promenade chair one by one, staring at her quietly.

Bai An'an saw Qiao Yiyi and hesitated slightly. "How are you here?"

Qiao looked down and explained, "Mr. Lu asked me to come and see."

Bai Anan didn't think much, just nodded.

She sat next to Qiao Yiyi.

Perhaps no one talked, maybe it was too shocking for her today, and Bai Anan had a rare desire to talk.

"I am an unmarried couple with him."

Joe nodded.

Bai Anan said, "But do you know? In his heart, there is always a girl who can't forget."

Joe bowed his head one by one without speaking.

Bai An'an continued to say, "For more than six months, he often woke up with her name in a dream, and he never gave up looking for her ... You said, how long can a woman live in the heart of a man?"

Joe frowned one by one, his voice a little cold. "Anyway, you are unmarried couples."

Bai Anan chuckled and said, "Unmarried couple? This unmarried couple is also fake!"

Qiao heard these words one by one, and suddenly looked up, and suddenly looked up at Bai Anan in disbelief.

Bai Anan sneered, "At the time, I was hijacked and had a mental illness. I had to be by my side to feel secure, so I asked him to marry him at that time. My father wanted me to get well I asked him for his treatment, and let him promise for the time being ... Isn't it ridiculous that our marriage contract came ?! "

Qiao Yiyi: ...! !!

Joe was shocked.

She has been desperate for Liang Liang for several reasons.

And his engagement with Bai Anan is one of them!

If he really likes her, then it is unlikely that after that happened, he would be engaged to Bai Anan and be impassive in less than a month!

Now Liang Liang entangles her, only to make her feel ridiculous.

A man with a fiancée, why entangle her?

But at this moment, she understood that the marriage contract between them turned out to be false!


This shows that Liang Liang has never forgotten her from beginning to end.

Joe stood up gazing at each other, staring at the door of the operating room. An inexplicable and complex feeling emerged spontaneously.

Suddenly, she didn't know how to face Liang Liang!

She likes Liang Liang.

But in the later misunderstanding, she dilutes her feelings in this half year. But at this moment, the only trace of affection left is the trace of enlargement because of Bai Anan's words.

He can block the gun for her, how can she let him down?

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