You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1819: Thought she was a sick cat? (49)

When Joe was thinking one by one, he heard Bai Anan chuckled, "I tell you so much?"

When she was finished, she bowed her head, leaking a sad look.

But in her eyes, there was a hint of hatred, "That woman took my man's heart, I will never let her go!"

Qiao Yiyi: ...

One by one, Qiao ignores what Bai Anan is still talking about, but still stares at the operating room.

She clenched her fists and couldn't help praying in her heart: Liang Liang, you must be fine.

Otherwise, I will owe you this life ...

You must, you must, you must wake up ...


At the same time, Lu Nanze was taken by his own people to a private hospital.

He was awake at this moment, but the wound on his leg was painful and unbearable.

Because, when he rushed over and pushed away without trace, the bullet hit his thigh again!

It just so happened that he shot at his wound!

So at this moment, his leg is numb!

Someone helped him with the wound and performed surgery to remove the bullet.

After all this was done, Lu Nanze said slowly: "No one can say anything about tonight."

Although he saved No Trace, he didn't want to ask for grace.

He likes incognito, so what he wants is also what incognito likes him, not because he is grateful and agrees to his confession to incognito at that time.

So, at least until she agrees to herself, this thing can't be told to her.

What's more, when there was no trace of it, how could you be in a cafe, what would he say?

He said he was not assured, so he followed?

This matter must be rotten in the stomach, no one can say it, otherwise it will be too shameful.

Lu Nanze thought of this, and sighed, and immediately the phone rang.

When he answered, he heard the voice of the housekeeper, "Mr. Lu, Police Officer Liang Liang was seriously injured. He is now in the operating room of the emergency room. He is dead!"

Life is dead!

A sentence of life and death was not a servant, and Lu Nanze's eyes narrowed sharply.

Liang Liang is a companion who grew up with him since he was a child. How can he survive?

He immediately said, "Okay, I'll be right here."

Wait until the nurse and doctor have treated his wound and bandaged him.

Because the bullet hit was exactly his original wound, so at this moment, no one can see that this is a person who has just hit a bullet.

Then he said, "Back to the hospital!"


Both Qiao Yian and Bai Anan did not speak, because with the passage of time, the situation in the operating room also became unpredictable and changeable.

An operation has been performed for four hours.

I don't know what's going on inside, or Liang Liang, can I survive it.

Joe frowned one by one, staring nervously.

After a while, the sound of a wheelchair sliding was heard.

She froze slightly, and turned to see Lu Nanze sitting in a wheelchair, pushed by the housekeeper, and came over.

Joe shuddered one by one and immediately stood up.

Lu Nanze's complexion was a little white, with some weakness after excessive blood loss.

This is ... I heard the news of Liang Liang's accident, so the first time, came over?

As she was thinking, Lu Nanze also found her existence, and frowned, asking in wonder: "How are you here ?!"

PS: After updating ~~ See you tomorrow ~~

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