You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1834: Dear, that is not love (14)

When this sentence came down, Joe immediately lost his footing.

She looked back and looked at Bai Anan's righteous expression, and suddenly felt that it was ridiculous.

This Bai Anan, like a clown at this moment, has a disgusting feeling.

There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of her lips, and she saw Liang Liangquan sit up. "You walked and said that I was in critical condition?"

Bai An'an blinked a few times, then said, "I'm not, thinking that if she came to see you, could she just arrest her?"

"Then you can just take a walk outside about my critical news? Do you know how my parents felt when they saw this report?"

In a word, Bai Anan immediately stopped and said, "This, me, I'm going to call my uncle and aunt now and explain."

Having said that, she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

The bell of "Bell Bell Bell!" Rang outside the ward. As soon as Joe looked up, he saw a middle-aged couple walking anxiously.

The ringtone of the mobile phone is from the man's mobile phone.

But he was obviously not in the mood to answer the phone, but followed the middle-aged woman to take two steps forward, came to the door of the ward, and pushed open the door directly!

"Liang Liang, Liang Liang my son, how are you doing ?!"

The middle-aged woman cried out loud.

Qiao Yiyi: ...

All of a sudden, Joe didn't want to leave, and stood still, watching everything in the ward.

Liang Liang's burn seemed to recede. At this moment, there was a spirit. When he heard this, he immediately sat up and looked at the door in shock. "Mom?"

The middle-aged woman ran over, hugged Liang Liang directly, and burst into tears, "How did you get hurt? After I saw the news report, I rushed back with your dad immediately! I was so nervous on this journey, what are you doing now? Alright? "

Liang Liang frowned, raised his head, glared at Bai Anan, and immediately said, "Mom, I'm fine now, you can rest assured."

The words fell, the middle-aged woman was relieved, but the next second, she closed her eyes and the whole person fell to the ground!

Fortunately Liang Liang helped her in time, but Liang Liang was also anxious, "Mom, mom, wake up, mom!"


The doctor came over and pushed Mother Liang into the emergency room.

Father Liang and Liang Liang, as well as Bai Anan, Qiao Yiyi, four people were waiting outside the operating room.

Liang Liang turned to look at Father Liang, "Dad, what's the matter with my mother?"

Father Liang immediately sighed, "After we got the news, your mother was terrified and passed out. I took her to the hospital immediately, saying that it was a convulsion and a heart problem. Then the doctor asked her to be hospitalized. Observed, but your mother was worried about you, we bought the ticket overnight and flew back ... "

Father Liang Liang was previously in a foreign country, not in China.

Hearing Liang Dad's words, Liang Liang's eyes sank, and he looked back at Bai An'an.

Bai An'an turned pale. She stepped forward, looked at Father Liang, and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry, Liang Liang's body is all right. All this is just a cover for us ..."

Father Liang immediately opened his eyes wide and said incredulously: "A guise? So what is life and death are fake ?! Are you a play?"

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