You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1835: Dear, that's not love (15)

Listening to the questioning tone, Bai Anan lowered her head in shame.

Dad Liang was furious. He held out his hand, pointed Bai An'an, and turned his head, and slapped him on Liang Liang's face with a slap!


Father Liang hit someone, and continued to curse: "You filial son! For your police career, even parents don't need it! Let me tell you, if your mother has any shortcomings this time, I will never spare you!"

After speaking, he went to the side angrily, sat on the promenade chair, and frowned, angrily and anxiously.

When Liang Liang was hit, he could avoid it, but he did not hide.

At this moment, his face had been swollen.

Looking at him, Bai Anan was so distressed that he took out his own paper towel, "Cool brother, your face ..."

After that, we need to wipe it for him.

But his wrist was suddenly grasped by Liang Liang.

Liang Liang stared at Bai An'an, and said after half a ring, "Bai An'an, are you satisfied now?"

Bai Anan was frightened by the tone in the discourse.

She looked at Liang Liang in shock.

Liang Liang did not speak, but looked at his dad sitting in a chair.

My parents are almost sixty years old. Where can I get such a shock?

Dad just got angry and gave him a slap.

But in fact, he was scared?

Liang Liang felt that he was not filial!

He tightened his chin and stood there.

Bai Anan couldn't help but take a step forward, holding his sleeves, "Liang, I didn't mean it on purpose ... Could I explain it to my uncle? I told him it was all by myself Be careful, it has nothing to do with you ... "

After this remark, Liang Liang sneered, looking back at her, "Is this useful?"

Bai Anan froze.

"You told them, my mother's heart will get better? My mother won't have to do surgery in the operating room now ?!"

Bai Anan was said to be stunned.

Liang Liang sneered, "And, you think, what are you thinking, I don't know?"

"Bai Anan, when we got engaged, I didn't ask my parents to come, just thinking that one day, sooner or later, we will terminate the engagement ... You don't need to be in front of my dad, and you have a sense of presence. This engagement is terminated!

Having said that, he went straight to the side, lowered his head, and meditated himself.

Bai Anan was standing still, staring at Liang Liang in disbelief.

Just now, what does his sentence mean?

Is the marriage terminated?

He said it was lifted, was it lifted? !!

On what basis!

Bai An clenched his fists in an angrily, standing gritted.

But at this moment, Mother Liang was undergoing surgery, and Father Liang was anxiously waiting, not a good chance for her to have an attack.

Bai Anan took a deep breath, then turned his head and went out.

When she walked to a place where no one was there, she picked up her mobile phone and made a call. As soon as the call was connected, her tears fell down.

She cried, crying, "Daddy, Liang Liang is going to break my marriage contract! Daddy! What should I do!"

Director Bai heard this, and hesitated slightly. "What's going on?"

Bai Anan cried and told the story.

Director Bai sighed, "Before you do things, you should consider the feelings of his parents. This is your negligence. However, he wants to terminate the marriage contract ... no way!"

PS: After the update, see you tomorrow ~ a new month, please ask for a monthly pass! !!

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