You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1840: Dear, that is not love (20)

Joe paused step by step, standing directly at the door, staring at the door incredibly.

What did the housekeeper just say?

Gunshot wound to the leg?

Lu Nanze's leg was obviously penetrated by a branch. Where did the gunshot wound come from?

Gunshot wounds ...

I don't know why. Suddenly, in her heart, an unbelievable thought occurred.

Maybe ... the person who blocked her at the time was not Liang Liang, but Lu Nanze? !!

She knew that her idea was too affectionate, but once this idea came out, she couldn't help but start to diverge her thinking.

Maybe it's true?

Perhaps it is really Lu Nanze, not Liang Liang?

She bit her lip, and suddenly a little nervously clenched her fist.

In case this is a beautiful misunderstanding ... not Liang Liang's bullet, then ... she might not feel guilty about Liang Liang!

As soon as this idea came out, she immediately stretched out her hand and pushed open the door of the ward!

In the ward, the housekeeper and Lu Nanze were talking. Suddenly they saw the door of the ward open, and both were startled.

They brushed their heads together, and when they saw Joe one by one, the housekeeper immediately lowered his head and shouted, "Mrs."

Lu Nanze frowned, "Do you know how to be polite? Before you enter, do you know you want to knock?"

The disapproval, vigilance, and even warning in that tone were all ignored by Joe one by one.

She didn't do anything, she went two steps forward and came to Lu Nanze.

Almost all light came out of a pair of eyes!

Lu Nanze frowned when he saw her, thinking of what the housekeeper had just said, he narrowed his eyes and asked vigilantly, "What did you hear?

Joe looked at his eyes one by one, as if the wolf saw the food, and said directly: "I heard everything."

Lu Nanze: ...

"You got a gunshot wound to your leg? No wonder the injury has gotten worse, let me see."

Lu Nanze: ...

Lu Nanze looked at the woman and lifted his quilt without seeing anything. He was going to lift up his pants ...

Lu Nanze is speechless!

Should n’t ordinary women be scared when they hear something?

Why is this woman, so ... Is she excited in her eyes?

The light in her eyes almost came out!

What the woman is doing!

Lu Nanze drew his lips and frowned, "What are you doing ..."

"do not move!"

He didn't finish talking, but he heard Joe's reprimand, and his voice was commanded.


Lu Nanze was told by her, but the next moment, she felt like she was a mess!

When will he be ordered by a woman? !!

He took a deep breath, and when he was about to say something, he felt the bandage on his leg, and she opened it directly and skillfully!

He frowned and was about to withdraw his leg, but his thigh was suddenly held by the little hand!

Lu Nanze froze, raised his head, and saw Qiao Yiyi lower his head seriously, looking at his wound.

At this moment, Joe one by one finally saw his real wound.

The wound was of such blood type, but the marks left by the gun seemed so intent.

When she bit her lip, she heard Lu Nanze gritting his teeth and asking, "Does it look good?"

Joe answered one by one: "It's cute."

Lu Nanze: ...! !!

PS: Write a chapter to ask for a leave ~~ Adjust the biological clock ... Updated at about 9:10 tomorrow morning ~~ Mody! In the future, we want to be a beautiful woman who doesn't stay up late ~~

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