You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1841: Perhaps she fell in love with him (1)

Lu Nanze couldn't hold himself up.

Does this guy have a problem in his head?

She was described by other people's wounds as cute?

He stared at Joe with a weird look, wondering if the housekeeper should take her to see the psychologist.

After all, this guy is still his wife. If he is really insane, it will not be good to pass on, and his face will not look good.

The butler standing next to him was also stunned.

The wife said that the wound was cute?

Did he hear it wrong?

He glanced at Mr. Mr.'s almost distorted expression, couldn't help coughing, and reminded him, "Mrs ...."

Joe responded violently one by one. He was excited for a while. What did he say?

so cute?


These two people must be treating her as a neurosis.

She drew a corner of her mouth, and then raised her head, fixedly looked at Lu Nanze, and said affectionately, "Because I like you, I like everything about you, Lu Nanze, you do n’t know, all your Things are beautiful in my eyes, even if it is a small wound, this wound may be scary to others, but for me, it is extremely cute ~ "


With that said, Joe couldn't help vomiting one by one!

But this sentence should make the housekeeper and Lu Nanze doubt about themselves, right?

The thought flashed, raised his head, and saw the strange appearance on the faces of Lu Nanze and the steward. The steward pulled his mouth, and then immediately lowered his head, afraid to speak. Lu Nanze stared at her with a strange expression. .

Lu Nanze felt that the legs held by Qiao were a little creepy. Is there really any problem with this guy?

Joe knew one by one that he played a little too much, so he continued to return, "But you must pay attention to it later, don't let yourself be hurt ~"

"Because my heart hurts!"

In a word, the housekeeper could no longer hold his head down and his shoulders shook.

Lu Nanze couldn't help but look away and twitched his lips, not knowing what to say.

After each of these words, Qiao coughed, then looked down and continued to look at Lu Nanze's injury.

The gun penetrated his thigh, which happened to be the place where he was injured last time, so the wound was a little fester now, and Lu Nanze was physically strong, which did not cause an infection.

But pain must be inevitable.

No wonder this guy, then the tolerant person can't help crying out in his sleep because of the pain in his legs.

Thinking of this, Joe couldn't help lowering his head one by one and massaging him again.

Her mind flashed. On the day of the accident, when she returned to the hospital, the housekeeper said that Lu Nanze's ward was not allowed to enter.

At this moment I remembered that Lu Nanze was not in the room at all!

He went to save himself!

But how could he drag a sick person to the cafe to save himself? !!

Why save her?

Thinking of what Lu Nanze said, "Try it with me ..."

Her heart finally jumped uncontrollably.

He looked up and looked at Lu Nanze.

At this moment, he looked disgusting but didn't say it. He was so handsome and beautiful that he couldn't help looking at his eyes one by one.

She knew that she might have fallen.

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