You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1843: Perhaps she fell in love with him (3)

Joe smirked in his heart.

More women have played than anyone she has ever seen?

This guy's tone is really not small!

If you did n’t know him by yourself, knowing that he was thinking about love, I'm afraid I have to believe it! !!

This guy ... But he doesn't eat at all.

But looking at him, Joe knew one by one that if he pierced him, he would be even more embarrassed. So Joe blinked his eyes one by one, "Oh, I see."

Got it?

Do you know

Lu Nanze coughed a little uncomfortably.

I don't know why, but I don't want to show myself in front of Qiao Yiyi like a hairy boy who fell in love for the first time.

He coughed and followed Joe into the bathroom one by one.

Qiao looked at him one by one, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lu, do you want me to take off your pants?"

Lu Nanze: ...!

What does this guy do on his face, can he say anything like taking off his pants? !!

He blushed. "No."

Then he reached out his hand and began to unbutton his clothes.

While undressing, Lu Nanze suddenly felt something was wrong.

He turned his head and saw Joe smiled and stared at him.

Lu Nanze froze immediately, his face darkened, "Where do you look ?!"

As soon as this word came out, I thought, it seems that he also said this last time?

Also in this place ...

The familiar scenes and familiar characters actually made him feel inexplicably warm.

As soon as this word came out, his nervousness suddenly disappeared. Thinking of the last time, after his own words fell down, Joe turned his head around in a panic. He looked up, but this time, Joe still smiled. Staring at him, "I actually want to watch it."

Lu Nanze said for a moment, "What to watch?"

"Check it out, there are more women who have played that stuff than I have ever seen!"

Lu Nanze: ...! !!

Lu Nanze's face went dark again, "turn your head!"

After speaking, she reached out her hand and flicked her head.

This action, with a bit of intimacy in his intimacy, made Lu Nanze and Qiao one a little choked.

The two of them have been married for more than half a year, but they are respectful and respectful. Even Lu Nanze's eyes have never seen Qiao Yiyi.

However, it seems that since Lu Nanze was injured and hospitalized this time, the interaction between the two people has increased a lot.

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze bowed his head.

When he was done, he packed his clothes, then looked at Joe one by one, "OK."

Joe turned around one by one and helped him to wash his hands. After handling it, he helped him back to the ward again.

After lying Lu Nanze on the bed with a helping hand, Qiao sat on the edge of the bed one by one and continued to guard him.

Lu Nanze frowned when he saw this one by one.

He closed his eyes.

My mind is full of alternate shapes of Joe and One or Two.

He knew he had to choose between the two.

He tried to calm himself down, thinking about who he really liked.

It wasn't until the end that he remembered that it was actually invisible.

He liked her uninhibited character and her arrogant look.

The reason why Qiao Yiyi caught his attention was that Qiao Yiyi had a temperament on his body, which was similar to Wuchen.

Maybe, they all belong to the petite type?

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