You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1844: Perhaps she fell in love with him (4)

Lu Nanze thought of this and lowered his eyes.

He made up his mind.

In this case, it is necessary to keep a distance from Joe one by one, so as not to be misunderstood without trace, it is not good.

After all, the last time I came here without a trace, but because of Joe one by one, he was gone!

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes and looked at the housekeeper, "You go out first."

The housekeeper froze, but looked at Lu Nanze and looked at Qiao Yiyi, nodded, and went out.

Lu Nanze watched the housekeeper close the door of the ward and walked out with a slight stun in his heart.

The reason why he asked the housekeeper to go out was that what was said next might hurt Joe's self-esteem and left him a face.

However, he never cared about Qiao Yiyi's mood before. What's wrong now?

He frowned, no longer thinking about the problem, instead looking at Qiao Yiyi, "I have a few words to tell you."

Joe nodded, looking at his serious look, she thought that something was going to happen.

The result is ...

"Sooner or later, we are going to divorce."

Qiao Yiyi: ...

He has said this many times!

She certainly knows!

Joe nodded, "Well, I know, I ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Nanze, "So, what do you want?"

Joe shouted one by one, "Ah?"

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes. "One day, couples and hundreds of days, we are also a couple, anyway, when the divorce, as long as your request is not excessive, I can meet you. You can bargain."

Qiao Yiyi: ...! !!

What happened to this guy?

Suddenly becoming so soft?

She stared at Landing Nanze, and suddenly could not help but tease him, "But I want it, you may not be able to give it."

Lu Nanze froze, "What do you want?"

In this world, is there anything he can't afford?

Joe stared at him seriously, "I want your heart."

Lu Nanze: ...! !!

Lu Nanze was choked directly, he coughed, and then turned his head, afraid to look at Qiao Yi's eyes.

At this time, he realized how difficult it was to reject a woman who loved him particularly deeply.

He had forgotten how many people he had previously rejected.

At this moment, the reason why it is difficult to refuse, is not because he has affection for her?

But at this time, Lu Nanze was not found, he just said: "Except this."

"The one I want from you."

Lu Nanze: ...! !!

He continued to cough. "This won't work either."

Joe looked at his ears slowly turning red one by one, only to find that it was so fun to tease him!

She couldn't help smirking and said, "I, I just need to be a true couple with you for a day, as long as you can satisfy me ..."

Lu Nanze: ...! !!

Lu Nanze's face was all black. What does this guy think of him?

One day ... still satisfied? !!

He immediately turned his head, trying to reprimand Joe one by one, but saw a flash of smile in her eyes.

Lu Nanze immediately understood that he was teased by Joe one by one!

He was not very angry at the moment, and said directly: "Joe one by one, I'm talking to you seriously!"

Joe immediately put away his smile.

Lu Nanze took a deep breath, knowing that Qiao didn't have a normal shape, he directly said: "So, after divorce, I will give you a house and give you 10 million cash to ensure that you will be carefree in the rest of your life."

PS: Update finished ~~ See you tomorrow morning! !! No updates at night! !!

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