You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1857: Perhaps she fell in love with him (17)

After Joe drank two sips of water, he "banged" and put the water on the table.

Then, she looked up at Lu Nanze again, and saw that he had a drug attack and was unable to extricate himself.

It seems that this medicine is really super fierce.

As soon as Qiao thought of it here, he saw that Lu Nanze had ripped his clothes off, then frowned, and cold sweat came from his forehead.

I don't know why, one by one, Joe felt his male hormonal hormones suddenly become stronger.

Moreover, her eyes were a little blurred.

After drinking water, she did not relieve her hotness, but felt more and more uncomfortable.

She swallowed again, then walked two steps in the direction of Lu Nanze with her feet unwilling.

Just two steps later, reason told her that she couldn't go on!

This is playing with fire!

Qiao took a deep breath, trying to rush to the bathroom to wash his face, but when he stepped forward, he felt his legs were soft, and the heat in the lower abdomen became more serious.

She couldn't move around at all!

This situation ... what's wrong!

Qiao finally reacted one by one, turning his head sharply and looking at the glass of water.

Then I realized that I drank ... Lu Nanze's water?

And thinking about it just now, Li Tingting mentioned Qiao Lian, and when Lu Nanze was a little hesitant, he gave him a glass of water to drink.

So ... what's wrong with this glass of water?

Joe slapped one by one on his forehead.

Joe one by one, Joe one by one, no trace ah no trace, I wasted you as the most cautious thief.

Now what can I do?

Get a doctor and detoxify both of them?


It's too ugly, right?

If you wear it out ...

Before these thoughts flashed, the medicinal properties started again.

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Qiao bit his lips one by one and looked at the hospital bed. Lu Nanze, who had stretched out his arm and groped around, was uncomfortable.

She stared at him.

At this moment, she was sure she liked Lu Nanze.

And Lu Nanze did so much for her and even confessed to her, did she like her?

So ... why did she make herself and him so uncomfortable?

They are married ... they are husband and wife.

Even if it is fake, if she tells Lu Nanze, she will not be traced ... then Lu Nanze will certainly accept her.

They should be able to live happily ever after.

Joe thought about it one by one, lowering his head and raising the corners of his lips.

When she was in love with Liang Liang at the beginning, her mother taught her that girls should be restrained and not be too slutty. One is disrespect for themselves, and the other is disrespect for future husbands.

However, my mother also said later, if you can't help it, then obey your heart.

She was with Liang Liang, and there was almost no time for her.

And now, with Lu Nanze ...

Now this can be considered can not help but ...

As soon as these thoughts came out, she seemed to break free of the last shackles that bound her. She clenched her fists and looked at Lu Nanze. Then she stepped forward and walked towards the bed where she landed.

She had just arrived at the bedside, and Lu Nanze on the bed seemed to feel her approach.

He opened a pair of big confused eyes with a sting, and after seeing her, he suddenly reached out his hand and grabbed her!

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