You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1858: Perhaps she fell in love with him (18)

Joe was caught by him one by one, and he flew forward and pressed on him.

She was a little clumsy and didn't know what to do.

Just smelling the familiar masculinity on him, he suddenly felt a little breathless.

She lowered her head, trying to find his lips.

But just when she was about to approach, Lu Nanze stretched out his hand stubbornly, cutting it between them.

Joe froze one by one, bowed his head, and said, "What happened to you?"

As soon as this word came out, she was startled, because her voice was not hoarse.

Lu Nanze stared at her, looking at her first, as if she couldn't see her clearly.

He struggled against the drugs in his body, and he lowered his voice and said, "Who are you? Get out!"

When Joe heard these words one by one, she burst out laughing.

He was so uncomfortable, but still struggling to keep his innocence.

Who is this guarding for?

Thinking of him just grabbing himself and squeezing himself without a trace, almost no longer need to think about it.

She laughed, then reached into his ear, and gently said, "You don't want me?"

With gentle words, she sprayed on his cheek with her fragrance, making Lu Nanze's body shake unconsciously.

The effects of the drugs are more powerful and more tempting.

He hesitated, slowly speaking, "I, I don't ..."

At this point, he was like saying to himself, and like saying to Joe one by one: "I only want her ..."

Just her.

As long as there are no traces.

Joe felt warm for a while.

Seeing how Nanze landed, she couldn't bear to let the man continue to suffer, so she slowly said, "Lu Nanze, you can see clearly."

"I, it's invisible."

"No trace, it's me."

"I've been by your side."

Qiao Yiyi said these words seriously.

After all, the drug in her body was not so heavy, so she still kept her last sense.

When Lu Nanze heard this, he was completely stunned.

Unbelievably stared at Joe one by one.

He asked in confusion: "You, invisible?"

Joe nodded.

Lu Nanze's last reason collapsed with this sentence.

He was like a hunger hungry for hundreds of years. After hearing this sentence, he turned abruptly and pressed Joe under him.

This action came too fast, making Joe startled one by one.

She said sharply, "Your legs ... hey!"

The next moment, Lu Nanze blocked his mouth.

He tried to **** her dry, biting her lips hard with punishment and release.

Then, just as she was about to take the next move, Qiao suddenly thought of something. She opened her eyes sternly, and then stretched out her arms, blocking Lu Nanze in the middle. "Wait!"

Lu Nanze froze, stopped and looked at her puzzledly.

Joe jumped off the bed one by one, and saw Li Tingting's body lying on the ground. She stretched out her hand without mercy, took her arm, pulled her into the bathroom, and immediately, the bathroom The door was locked.

After doing this, she patted her hands and took a deep breath.

She and Lu Nanze are going to do shy things, how can there be a third party in the room?

Then she turned around and came to Lu Nanze's bed. "Next, it's time for the two of us!"

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