You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1862: She is crazy for love (2)

Lu Nanze opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling in confusion, his eyes fainted.

He hurriedly closed his eyes again, then frowned, and heard Lu Qingqing exclaim, "You are awake!"

Lu Nanze turned his head and looked at Lu Qingqing. He was frowning and thinking about what happened. Then he saw Lu Qingqing grabbing Qiao Yiyi. "Lu Nanze, you and Qiao Yiyi finally became formal couples yesterday. In the future, you should treat her well ... "

In a word, Lu Nanze suddenly realized what he was thinking, his eyes narrowed, and he sat up, "What are you talking about?"

But because he was too fierce, coupled with his weak body, he felt dizzy again.

His head was shaking up and down, and his body was shaking.

Lu Qingqing was talking with excitement, he didn't notice his expression at all, Qiao looked at him as he was about to fall on the bed, hurried forward, stretched out his hand, supported him, "Be careful!"

Lu Nanze was held up, and this stabilized.

He finally remembered what happened last night, but the details were too vague. He couldn't remember exactly, and even he didn't remember exactly who he slept last night.

But Lu Qingqing's words made him understand that he slept with Joe Qiao!

Thinking of this, his mind flickered without trace of the unrestrained figure.

His pupils shrank, his heart was upset for a while, and he jerked his head up, pushing Joe, who was holding him, one by one, and then spit out a word: "Go!"

He slept Joe one by one ...

If this matter is known by Wuhen, Wumen will definitely not be with him.


Lu Nanze now felt only a few irritations and depression.

What should we do now?

He was so sorry for doing nothing.

He really hates Joe one by one now!

Joe did not expect that he would react in this way, being pushed back a step and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there was a carpet on the ground, so there was no pain, but as soon as she raised her head, she met Lu Nanze's disgusted look at her and heard the word.

She froze immediately.

Lu Nanze fell asleep to himself this time, woke up is this reaction? !!

Suddenly there was a anger, and he jumped up.

But seeing his complicated and tangled look, she suddenly thought, forget it, what do you want to do with him?

Looking at him, it seemed that he had forgotten to tell him yesterday that he was invisible.

She took a deep breath and stood up.

When landing on the sunny side, she could not say that she was invisible, so she just wanted to wait for Lu Qingqing to leave, and then tell him.

When Joe thought about this one by one, he bowed his head.

But Lu Qingqing saw this reaction from Lu Nanze, and was angry. "Lu Nanze, how do you sleep Qiao Yiyi, what is your reaction? You are responsible for her!"

Lu Nanze clenched his fists tightly, his chest rising and falling up and down.

He finally fell in love with another girl, but now he was ruined by Joe one by one!

As long as he thinks about it, Wuwen will leave himself after knowing this, and he feels discouraged.

Hearing Lu Qingqing's words, he said with the same anger: "Oh, I would be responsible for falling asleep? The woman I slept with, Lu Nanze, did not have three digits, but also two digits. Each one is responsible. Am I responsible? "

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