You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1863: She is crazy for love (3)

Lu Qingqing was so angry when he heard these words, "What do you say as a child? When you have been so clean for so many years, when have you met a woman! You ..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Nanze looked up. "Even so, what?"

When he was finished, he looked at Qiao Yiyi in disgust, "I tell you, even if you climbed my bed, my decision to divorce you will not change! Oh, at most I will only give you a little more money You make a price, how much does it cost per night? "

The words of humiliation are as if you don't want money, and say it sentence by sentence from his mouth.

Qiao Yiyi knew that he was angry, but Lu Qingqing couldn't help it. "Shut up for me! I said to you, Qiao Yiyi is the wife you are married to by Ming Ming! Not like those wild women outside! You No trace ... you remember it to me! "

No trace?

Qiao looked at Lu Qingqing in surprise.

Lu Nanze couldn't help frowning. "Aunt, I'm talking about Qiao Yiyi, how do you get involved with other people, this thing has nothing to do with no trace!"

"It doesn't matter, do you think I don't know anything? You are not afraid to know without trace, and will be separated from you? That's why you dislike Qiao Yiyi? But Lu Nanze, I tell you, you are now a couple , You just can't derail! That invisible, I won't accept it! "

After Lu Qing finished this sentence, he grabbed Qiao Yiyi's hand, "Good boy, let's go out and leave him anaemic ..."

As soon as this word came out, Lu Nanze seemed to be a little angry, so his blood flowed up, his eyes closed, and he fainted.

Lu Qingqing: "..."

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Qiao looked at Lu Qingqing one by one.

Lu Qingqing was also shocked: "So weak? I just said a few words. As for fainting?"

Qiao Yiyi: ...

Qiao looked helplessly at Lu Qingqing, and then hurriedly called the doctor.

The doctor came to check for Lu Nanze, and finally came to the conclusion: "It is too much blood loss, and in the recent period of time, too much injury, resulting in physical weakness and poor blood, this need to be well maintained, it is best to eat more nutrition . "

When Joe heard these words, he felt incredible.

How can a strong body be fragile and become weak like this?

The doctor explained, "He has suffered injuries recently, and he has suffered from excessive blood loss many times ... well, if he doesn't raise well, he won't recover so strong in the future."

Will not be so strong in the future?

This sentence made Joe shrink his eyes one by one.

She suddenly understood that during this time, if Lu Nanze couldn't rest assured, then perhaps his body would really collapse.

Then she must collect some nutritional supplements and feed him well!

Thinking of this, she narrowed her eyes.

Lu Qingqing has explained to the steward, "Come on, buy it, buy back all the nutritional products !!! Give him a little bit, you must make up for the loss of blood!"

The housekeeper nodded and walked to the door. As soon as the ward door was opened, Li Tingting rushed in.

She bit her lip, looked at a few people, and then suddenly said, "Aunt, I know there is a nutrient that is hard to come by, but it's good. I'll get that thing, and you will forgive me this time, OK? ? "

Lu Qingqing froze, "What are you talking about?"

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