You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1867: She is crazy for love (7)

Qiao stood on the high wall of the Xu family one by one, staring at the building inside.

The Xu family is really very low-key. The outside wall looks very ordinary, but it is actually the strongest wall with mixed steel bars. Such a wall, I am afraid, will not blow up even a bomb.

Looking at the door of Xu's house, I thought it would be a classical house in the Jiangnan water village, but looking at it from the high wall, it was different.

The Xu family did not conservatively live in the old house. The buildings inside were all the latest-style western-style houses, lined up, looking very elegant.

Qiao recalled the location of the warehouse one by one in his head, and then began to walk to the Xu family storeroom by covering up at night.

Like heirlooms like ginseng, the good things that have been remembered by so many people must be hidden in the most secret place in the coffers.

Qiao came quickly to the storeroom one by one, ready to find a period of time.

She stood outside the warehouse and found that the warehouse was using the most advanced electronic lock equipment in the world.

Fortunately, I just learned this device myself.

She lifted her lips, opened the lock in her own way, and looked around, carefully avoiding all the alarm systems, and then evaded the infrared light inside, and entered the storeroom flexibly.

When he finally stood in the warehouse, Joe felt relieved one by one.

Although the journey was relatively smooth, only she knew that the Xu family's anti-theft measures were the most rigorous and most difficult one in her current theft career.

For a thief, it had fallen down long ago. That is, she ... can come to this step.

But she even knew that she couldn't be taken lightly now.

Entering the warehouse, and being able to take the stolen things out smoothly, are two different things at all!

She took a deep breath, and the whole person became more rigorous and cautious, then raised her head, looked at the warehouse, and looked for the place where the ginseng was stored for thousands of years.

But when she looked up, she was stunned immediately.

Looking at the jewellery and medicinal herbs in front of her, she was almost going to scold her!

I go!

I originally thought that the thousand-year-old ginseng, like a heirloom, would definitely be placed in the most secret place like the ancestor, but I didn't expect ...

What kind of ghost is that dozen or so ginseng that laughs a lot? !!

Xu Family ... Aren't there only one heirloom?

Or ... is this the Xu family's blind-eye method, so as not to let people steal real ginseng?

Thinking of this, Joe took two steps one by one, opened the box, and looked carefully.

As a qualified thief, she knew a little bit about these things.

The quality of ginseng can be distinguished at a glance.

And now look at it like this ...

That ginseng is all true!

Joe smoked his lips one by one, only feeling that he had discovered the incredible secret of the Xu family!

This Xu family ... is simply richer and more informative than she imagined!

What kind of heirloom does the Xu family say? I don't think I want to lend ginseng?

Although there are indeed many, but I can't afford everyone to buy it, right?

Joe pumped his lips one by one.

She is also a rich man herself, and the money saved by her mother is enough for her to eat and drink forever and spend extravagance.

Later she married Lu Nanze and found that Lu Nanze's family was richer than herself, but she didn't feel so amazing.

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